

The power of bows and arrows with added materials is naturally extraordinary. Arrows shot by a qualified archer can easily penetrate leather armor, cloth armor, and even some iron armor.
Not only are they great at fighting small soldiers, but even when encountering elite orcs, these strong archers can also play a big role.
After all, heavy infantry is always only a minority. The human race doesn’t have much equipment, and the orc army has even less equipment.
Limited by the level of productivity, the Orc Empire’s iron output has always been low, and its weapons and equipment are far inferior to those of the human race.
There are a total of 5,000 troops, of which cavalry, heavy infantry, and crossbowmen account for two-fifths. The remaining arms and equipment will naturally be reduced.
Fortunately, there is still an army of 10,000 men, otherwise this unreasonable deployment of troops would definitely scare the orcs on the battlefield.
Without waiting to scare the orcs, Hudson was startled himself.
According to the plan, the 5,000-strong army was actually equipped with 1,000 war horses and more than 2,000 livestock.
There is no doubt that this ratio is extremely abnormal.
Cuts had to be cut, and going out with so many animals was a logistical nightmare.
Cost is also an important factor. If so many animals are transferred away at once, the land reclamation business in the mountain territory will suffer heavy losses in an instant.
The heavy infantry were the first to take action. One man and one animal was too luxurious. It must be replaced by ox-carts, horse-drawn carriages or mule carts to reduce the number of livestock.
During normal times when marching, the armor is placed on the cart, and the soldiers can walk.
Only by entering the danger zone, where an encounter with the orc army may occur at any time, can you put on your armor and drive forward.
On the two thousand-mile journey, the real danger zone is only the 180 miles of the front line, so the heavy infantry does not have much time to travel.
If you need to increase the carrying capacity of livestock in a short period of time, you can completely rely on magic potions. Although it was a bit extravagant, it was still better than taking a large number of livestock on the road.
The heavy infantry’s demand for livestock has been cut, and the cavalry’s one man and two horses have to be replaced by one horse. When fighting, he mounts his horse, and in ordinary times he walks on two legs like an infantryman.
(Note: The cavalry consists of one person and two horses, including a war horse and a rogue horse.)
For a general who is not prepared to take the initiative to cause trouble, it is completely worth sacrificing mobility in exchange for reduced logistical pressure.
/The rest cannot be cut. The mobility of scouts, signalmen, and officers must be guaranteed.
The number of one thousand war horses remained unchanged, but the number of other livestock was cut down in half.
There is no need for handymen anymore. The kingdom stipulates the number

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