dy formed a deadly feud with the four ancient True Spirit Clan. Unless she is in trouble, if she wants to survive or even develop, she has no choice but to hug Zhu Peng’s legs tightly. The person next to her is similar. He is a sect cultivator who has a stiff relationship with the four ancient True Spirit Clan and it is extremely difficult to form an alliance. With this kind of checks and balances, Zhu Peng can feel at ease and comfortable without having to be constantly vigilant.


In the past half month, Zhu Peng has been reorganizing the forces in Cangshan Realm. Although without the help of his confidants, it is difficult for Zhu Peng to truly penetrate into the core of power of Cangshan Realm monks. But after all, most of the forces in Cangshan Realm hope to have a stable foreign aid or even a backer. , so Zhu Peng’s reorganization work was quite smooth. When necessary, Zhu Peng was even ready to launch a thunder battleship at any time to pull away most of the elite monks in Cangshan Realm (the thunder battleship weighed 10,000 A seven thousand ton super strategic air giant ship that can carry eight hundred monks flying for three years, as mentioned earlier.).
However, the True Spirit Alliance entrusted by Zhu Yun has not yet participated (after Zhu Peng returned to the Earth Star from another space, he found that he had felt that N years had passed, but he had only been on the Earth Star for five or six months, which was barely half a year. The True Spirit Alliance is still half a month away.), and Zhu Peng has already sent seven flying swords flying home to report his safety. I don’t think there is a need to rush back for the time being. He will wait until the entire Cangshan realm is reorganized before participating in the True Spirit Alliance. They will make an alliance, and then drive the Thunder Battleship and load up a bunch of younger brothers to go home. This way, you will have no worries and save face. You don’t have to worry about coming home. Zhu Sansan will take care of everything for him.
Thinking of Zhu Sansan’s extremely ordinary face as a woman, Zhu Peng felt relieved in his heart. He didn’t know that he had been the “cooking squad leader” for his extremely trusted lieutenant (Zhu Sansan) countless times. , not even being cuckolded and scapegoated.
Zhu Peng, who didn’t know that his harem had already “bloomed lilies”, was still here leisurely giving advice. With the Purple Soul Sky Eye and the solidifying spell “Third Eye”, Zhu Peng could easily see many people. Things that cannot be seen at all, such as the flow of spiritual energy and the largest amount of true energy in the entire Cangshan Realm – the giant creature that is entrenched in the entire Cangyue Mountain and looks like an ancient oriental dragon.
/“I don’t even know what to say about you. How can an invisible and intangible idea make such a big deal with you for a small profit? Do you know what your transaction object is? Or should you say Have you seen its true form?”
/“Well, I have never seen its true form, but whether it ma

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