st a silver wax gun tip that looks good but not useful?”


This thought came to the minds of almost everyone present, but no one would express this thought on their face. On the contrary, each of their faces showed just the right amount of shock and admiration, even the bloody The High Priest Po himself doesn’t believe it, but at least we have made a good gesture. Even if you get angry, you won’t be able to trouble us.
Looking at the large bone spur shield stuck in the screen wall, even the Jade Bee Sect Leader felt regretful and had a headache. Now she had not only lost her own face, but also Zhu Peng’s people.
“If I had known this, I would have shot it into the ornamental fish pond in the main hall. Let’s not talk about the power, but at least it can make a splash. Damn it, isn’t it a middle-grade spiritual weapon that can attack more than defend? How powerful is it? Only this point, doesn’t it mean that the high priest doesn’t understand the grade of the spiritual weapon in his hand?”
/No matter how the thoughts of everyone present changed, Zhu Peng, who was sitting high up, smiled lightly. His expression, like a fleshy mask, blocked all his thoughts and emotions from everyone. At least, no one present could estimate it. Because of Zhu Peng’s thoughts and ideas, the entire banquet was actually silent for a moment, and almost everyone didn’t know what to say.
“Very good, the power of this ‘Qianjun Break’ is greater than I imagined, and it complements the Jade Bee Sect Master’s cultivation and tactics.” After a while, Zhu Peng spoke slowly in the somewhat silent banquet. The resounding sound also interrupted the actions and gestures of the Jade Bee Sect Master who was about to confess his crime. Before everyone could understand what was going on, Zhu Peng made a random move, and the next moment, the broken shield, which was basically an ownerless thing, flew back with the gravity of his iron evil magnetism. It revealed that most of the thick screen wall was destroyed by it.
The next moment, “hiss” sounds of extremely surprised and even timid low gasps resounded throughout the entire hall. The reason was very simple. There were a few sharp fang-like bone spurs missing from the fragile shield. Of course it couldn’t have been damaged in the collision just now, but the moment the fanged shield hit the screen wall, the sharp bone spurs on it were shot out. It’s like a belly snake biting you. It’s like squeezing venom into your body in an instant. It may not hurt the moment it bites you, but it is definitely a thousand times more deadly.
Don’t underestimate this small shooting design. If the average protection value of an ordinary monk’s body shield is 100, then the moment he is hit by a heavy attack, the average protection value of his body shield will be It will drop to about sixty. At this moment when you can’t recover, several bone spurs suddenly pierce and kill, deliberately and unintentionally, and they hit the face with points. The killing effect is often very shocking.
After the monks in the temple underst

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