e Spirit Treasure Tree obtained from the Ice and Snow Nest, and the Lotus King The innate green lotus seeds obtained from the ruins.


Immortal light flows freely and is extremely nourishing.
Practicing in such an environment will be of great help to one’s own Taoism and the tempering of the Taoist mind.
At this time, another pavilion was built around the Nine Eyes Chaos Creation Divine Spring. Zhang Jian and his wife took a rare rest in the pavilion, watching the wind and clouds rolling around the fairy island. This moment seemed to be eternal and eternal.
Zhang Jian couldn’t help but sigh.
/“It’s so rare to get some peace and quiet!”
Since he entered the heavenly realm, he has successively held four immortal positions.
When I took the position of Emperor Lingyuan in Sanyuan Lingguan Hall, although I was noble, I could not say that I had leisure time. I had to devote most of my time to coordinating the affairs of the Shuiyuan in all realms to resolve disasters, and I also had to take over for the Emperor Shuiguan. When necessary, he has to distract himself from the lower world and take charge of many things on behalf of Emperor Shuiguan.
Moreover, Qinggui does not have much real power after all.
Although the Shuiguan Emperor and the Eternal Heavenly Lord at the back have real power, they also have a lot of worldly things.
Especially the Eternal Heavenly Lord, the cell leader of the Eternal Immortal Prison, is not easy to serve as.
In addition to offending people, they also have to fight wits and courage with many powerful forces who are trying to harvest the wool of the Eternal Immortal Prison, and extract benefits from their hands in order to balance the forces inside and outside the Immortal Castle and improve the morale of the immortals in the Eternal Ice Castle.
On the contrary, after becoming the Nine Nether Spirit Emperor of the Three Realms, he was temporarily free.
On the contrary, this position has the most authority.
/This position is not only the medium for the Earth Emperor to communicate with the heaven after the example of Chengtian, one of the six emperors, but also has the power to impeach any Netherworld Immortal.
If Zhang Jian wants to, he can become a ‘troll’ in the Netherworld at any time!
Whoever you spray will be in trouble!
This is equivalent to the dean of the imperial embassy in the human world.
He is now the dean of the Netherworld Imperial Envoy Academy.
Mrs. Qi smiled slightly, with a smile on her beautiful face.
“The emperor is a capable person and has great responsibilities. Naturally, he has no time to spare!”
“But when I heard that the emperor had returned, several children from the Three Emperors’ Heaven Realm sent letters and wanted to come back to celebrate the emperor!”
“There is also news from Kunlun Heaven and Chang’an. It is said that I have prepared several gifts for you!”
Zhang Jian smiled slightly.
“They are really interested!”
A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Jian’s mouth, it was true that he was planning for them wholeheartedly.
“I heard tha

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