sing and ridicule, Ling Feng looked cold and solemn, not moving at all. It was very different from the bright and fiery face in front of everyone in Lingxiao Jiange. At this time, he even had a faint aura of sinisterness. Just because he was silent did not mean that Ariel could act unscrupulously. Although Ling Feng was sitting on the ghost car and quietly sipping tea without saying a word, there was an inexplicable sword pressure emerging from the void, fierce. It was majestic and majestic, but it was like a snow mountain collapsing, attacking Ariel with oppression.


As the future leader of the Lingxiao Sword Pavilion, before Ling Feng’s own combat power had yet to take shape, how could he lack protection around him? However, the majestic sword pressure did not hit Ariel, and the red-haired girl was behind A ferocious ghost hand composed of shadows, covered with bone spurs and cold, suddenly appeared in the shadows. It slapped it away and faced it, and smashed away the sword that had condensed into countless needle-light swords.
/After a round of faint fighting, both the sword pressure from the void and the ghostly hand in the shadow behind Ariel disappeared, leaving only two of the most outstanding young people in the Northland cultivation world sitting and confronting each other. It is their biggest trump card that they have the qualifications and courage to kill a high-level monk on the ninth level of Qi Refining. Behind both of them, there is a high-level monk hiding to protect their safety. Coupled with their own combat power, as long as they fight against On the other hand, ordinary high-level monks really can’t handle this level of killing and encirclement.
The best thing is that although many people in the two sects know about the protective monks behind them, under the constraints of unspoken rules, this protective monk will not be made public, so no matter what the two of them rely on, Whatever earth-shattering events or great achievements they achieve with their strength will be their own achievements and achievements. Therefore, the core disciples of the sect are often astonishingly talented in their youth, and can do things that many peripheral disciples see. These achievements will also be the political capital for them to take over the upper echelons of the sect in the future.
Just when Ariel and Ling Feng were trying their best to test each other’s status in their sects, the Blood Soul Ridge team and the eagles had already encountered trouble caused by the doomsday cleansing.
/A huge number of human heads are flying in the sky. Although they have left their bodies, they all have their eyes open. A pair of strange palms grow on both sides of all the heads. These creatures have The palms with webbed fingers were like the wings of birds, carrying them to fly. The most terrifying thing was that many of their heads seemed to be alive, but most of them had not lost their will and life.
This kind of surliness and terror is very similar to the work of some major demon sects. However, since the Age of Endi

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