d and once again unleashed a shocking blow that defeated the Taiyi clan.


At this moment, the sky is empty, countless human kingdoms, human realms, and even the human holy court emerge in the depths of the human space. At this moment, billions of human beings seem to be one with the Fuxi clan, as if all living beings are of one mind and one body. This is A supreme state.
/Deep in the Dao Fruit between Fuxi’s eyebrows, a Dao Fruit emerged, blooming with a strong Yuanshi Immortal Light.
The secret that blooms is not the revealed path of destiny, but the root path and fruit that balances the heavens and all things. It is as if no matter what force falls into his body, it is involuntarily balanced. was resolved by him.
This is very similar to the feeling that I can be 50/50 with any monk.
But it’s not just passive balance, Fuxi has completely taken control of this Fuxi Dao Fruit.
At this time, the rolling human will fell into his body, but it was fused and controlled by him in an orderly manner, without any backlash.
This is also a balancing force.
Using the smallest force to leverage the greatest divine power is what Fuxi understands as balance.
The unparalleled power turned into a terrifying divine sword worth billions of meters and suddenly slashed towards the Ling Kong Mother Goddess.
Even the Sky Mother Goddess felt the terrifying oppression of that magnificent divine power.
An invisible green-gang divine sword condensed in her hand. The sword’s light surged at this moment, and she suddenly faced it. However, in an instant, it was chopped to the ground by the billion-foot-high humanistic divine sword, and its true body smashed into countless human dimensions.
Above the void, the three Holy Emperors looked at this scene and looked at each other. There were some waves in the depths of their eyes, but they turned into solemnity in an instant.
Since the formation of the Three Emperors Forbidden Formation, although it has been claimed to be the strongest formation of the human race that can rival the Monster Clan’s Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, it still needs to be tested to what extent it can truly achieve it.
A moment later, a ray of azure divine light suddenly appeared in the center of the formation, and the true form of the Lingkong Mother Goddess appeared again. Her whole body was covered with strong azure divine light, as if she had turned into a fierce and vast river.
The divine sword of humanity that slashed Taiyi’s Taoist foundation with one sword didn’t seem to be able to hurt her?
/The Lingkong Mother Goddess swept over the three of them and raised her hands.
It was as if billions of spiritual ethereal rivers of brilliance emerged from its hands, forming a huge world-destroying vortex inside. The vortex was filled with the energy of creation and destruction.
“Ants, you have successfully exhausted my patience, your game is over!”
As he thought, he saw endless whirlpools filling the entire human space. The vortex seemed to tear the human space apart and turn it into powder.
Chapter 859 Complete Z

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