of well-educated people?”


Cai Hengxing next to him was a little unknown, so Xue Dongming just explained a few words casually. He couldn’t help but be a little surprised, but this was also in line with the ‘conclusion’ in his mind.
“With such great righteousness, he must not be a treacherous person. The Zhang family’s investigation can be stopped here!”
His eyes were slightly bright, and he still had a hint of talent.
/“Spring is coming, and this gentleman of the Zhang family will definitely come to Beijing to try, but I want to see this top scholar in person!”
Chapter 119 The Great Confucian
The two Taoists knew very well what Cai Hengxing’s words of praise were coming out of his mouth as if he didn’t need money.
Since he is the top talent, if he can make friends with him, it is best if he can be tainted with a little bit of kindness. When the time comes, it will be natural for him to become one of his own.
Cai Hengxing is shrewd and cunning, and his calculations can be heard miles away.
Xue Dongming and Taoist Yuhe looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.
Not only did Cai Hengxing like such learned people, they were also willing to accept them.
Because it is too easy for such well-educated people to enter the scope of the imperial court’s recruitment of scholars.
Today’s people are hungry for talents. If they can catch the eye of the emperor, high officials and generous salaries will come soon.
In the White Water Dragon Palace
Bai Nu is constantly using the dragon beads to nourish his depleted energy and spirit, and is fully preparing for the Shinto test in a few years.
Although he was close to death, Bai Nu was not willing to sit still and wait for death.
At this time, he suddenly turned into a dragon shadow and flew out of the river. In an instant, he was in the white water sky. He stared in the direction of Fengyang County with wide eyes in surprise.
Looking from a distance, a strong and fierce Haoran’s inspiration stirred the sky, and Haoran’s righteousness rushed straight into the sky, cleansing the universe.
“Such awe-inspiring aura, so fierce and unparalleled, it’s really a miracle!”
Looking at these strange signs, Bai Nu’s expression changed.
Suddenly a smile appeared in his eyes.
Although the gods and ghosts are afraid of having great righteousness, if they are willing to provide shelter, it is possible to reduce the disaster of Shinto.
Shinto has long had secrets that when some gods or elves face a catastrophe, they often like to go to the homes of knowledgeable people to seek refuge. This is because the aura of awe-inspiring people is strong and unrivaled, and can alleviate some of the catastrophe, or even directly eliminate the catastrophe.
If the learned man’s righteousness is strong enough and he can get a copybook, even one word can give him a glimmer of hope.
He had originally been determined to die as the catastrophe was approaching, but now he saw a glimmer of hope.
Just looking at the direction carefully, he couldn’t help but feel startled in his eyes.
“Zhang Famil

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