undreds of streams of light, sweeping dozens of them away, but the nine-color divine light was about to continue When he exerted his strength, he saw hundreds of golden rays of sun shooting out from the depths of the void. In an instant, the golden rays of light suddenly surged and turned into billions of blazing suns that exploded.


The golden light exploded, annihilating all the nine-colored divine light.
Some of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures were directly destroyed in the battle.
But there were still nearly twenty or thirty streams of light that instantly fell into the depths of the shattered illusory time and space.
Seeing this scene, some Taoist masters could no longer bear it, and their figures suddenly disappeared into the human world.
They could clearly see that there were many acquired spiritual treasures and even innate spiritual treasures in the twenty or thirty streams of light.
In the collision between the two terrifying overlords, the remaining treasures will not be too simple.
Above the void, Zhang Jian also saw this scene.
Since those treasures have been thrown into the depths of the vortex of time and space, whoever finds them will naturally belong to them.
Now that he is about to be beheaded, he is indeed a suitable innate spiritual treasure.
There may be hope of finding an innate spiritual treasure that suits your path.
His figure also flashed, turning into a stream of light and sinking into the depths of the gap in time and space.
Not only him, but even some of the God Emperors also entered the time and space vortex in their true form.
Everyone depends on their ability.
Above the void.
This majestic god has a cold face, and his eyes remain calm from beginning to end, without any anger. He is born with a domineering and arrogant attitude that looks down on all things, and his pride seems to be engraved in his bones.
He glanced at Yuanhuang and sneered.
“Little girl, you are too impulsive. How did you ruin my God’s affairs today? How will you make things right for me in the future!”
At the moment, he did not search for the scattered divine objects of heaven and earth. He just held the broken fairy palace in his hand and disappeared in an instant.
To him, the nine-color space around him seemed to be in vain.
This scene made Yuanhuang’s face change slightly.
/At this time, she could be said to have laid numerous heavenly nets around Tanggu Cave, but they were still easily broken through by the opponent.
Fang Daoxing is indeed beyond imagination.
After thinking about it, she did not continue to chase him. She knew that there would be no results in pursuing him.
The top priority is to recover the lost treasures from the Emperor’s treasury.
This kind of treasure is scarce no matter which power it belongs to.
Chapter 718: Will the Donghuang Taiyi clan be able to survive in peace?
Yuanhuang frowned slightly, but the idea only surfaced slightly, and she gave up immediately.
Because she knew that it would be difficult to retrieve the scattered treasures in the Emperor

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