uation, which was relatively smooth.


Among the immortals, Zhang Jian saw the two great marshals Turtle and Snake one after another, as well as General Heisha, one of the Four Saints of the North Pole.
By then, the Eastern Guard Yuanheng Tianjun had disappeared.
After a little inquiry, I learned that the Eastern Guard Heavenly Lord had fallen into the collapse of the space-time circulation.
Zhang Jian sighed secretly in his heart.
That Tianjun Yuanheng was quite talkative and a good person, but it was really a pity that he fell like this.
Zhang Jian also met Daojun Qingxia and Baihua Fairy in the Immortal Palace.
These two female fairies seem to have also participated in the grand event of Donghua Heavenly Realm.
Obviously, this must be the ability of Taojun Qingxia.
This ‘ancestor’ can always have a hand in many things.
Fairy Baihua greeted Zhang Jian, and she seemed to be in a very good mood.
Taojun Qingxia was sitting upright, as if he didn’t recognize Zhang Jian. The corners of Zhang Jian’s mouth were slightly raised, and he stepped forward to say hello to Fairy Baihua.
“The fairy has come through the calamity, and her momentum is like a rainbow!”
Baihua Fairy’s beautiful eyes fell on Zhang Jian, and she was a little surprised deep in her eyes.
This time, she followed the immortal gods from the Donghua Realm to guard the middle palace and run the fortune. It was indeed a blessing, and she even got a rare treasure.
“The emperor’s eyes are as bright as a torch!”
Fairy Baihua sighed slightly.
It was rare to have such leisure time, and both of them were in a very good mood.
Qingxia Daojun did not squint his eyes, but at this time he was communicating and trading with the Daojuns in the hall.
As the person in charge of Lantai Taoist Palace, she has a lot of resources at her disposal, but if these resources are not used, they will still have limited effect. What she needs to do is to maximize the use of these resources and turn them into conveniences for her own practice.
After Zhang Jian chatted with Baihua Fairy for a few words, he quickly integrated into the hall.
The many immortal gods in the Immortal Palace probably have huge connections, resources, or powerful backgrounds. Since they are already standing here, Zhang Jian will naturally not let go of such an opportunity.
Zhang Jian is a formal member of the Three Emperors and Five Elders Association, and he is a sacred person. Many immortals and gods also recognized his potential and conduct, and they quickly became one with him.
Once you get to know each other, many things will be much easier in the future.
/Soon after, Chunyang Daojun received the angels, and then his true form came. In addition to rewarding everyone and rectifying the aftermath of some fallen immortals, he also announced that a heavenly ceremony would be held in the Donghua Heavenly Realm in the near future, and invited all the immortals and gods to participate.
Soon, the Ten Thousand Immortals gradually dispersed.
Zhang Jian stayed, met with Chunyang Daojun

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