

The essence of Feng Shui in the earth’s crust is naturally nourished, which can best soothe the beastly nature of the dragon body and can be used as a medium for practice.
The better the quality of the Qi acupoint, the superior the essence of heaven and earth contained within it.
Dragon Cave has been one of the top Feng Shui caves in the world since ancient times, and it contains all kinds of mysterious essences.
“Fire Spirit Temple?”
Taoist Dielong walked up the mountain and discovered a magnificent Taoist temple on the mountain col.
There were many Taoist Taoists living in the Taoist temple. Taoist Dielong glanced at them with his majestic Yin Shen consciousness, and after confirming that these Taoists did not have Taoism behind them, he ignored them.
As he approached this place, he felt that he was approaching that strange point.
He saw a magnificent and graceful mountain in the distance. He inquired about it from the Taoist priest of Huoling Temple and learned that it was called Zhufeng Mountain. Then he followed another trail towards Zhufeng Mountain.
But when they entered Zhufeng Mountain, they met a village and were stopped by a strong village woman at the intersection of the village.
“Hey, you descendant, this is the Zhang family’s ancestral tomb, can’t you just break in?”
Taoist Dielong was blocked by the village woman in front of him, and his eyes suddenly became unhappy, and his eyes became more fierce. He barely suppressed the impatience in his eyes and lied: “I am also a member of the Zhang family who lives in other places. Today I came to Fengxi to offer sacrifices. Ancestor, I hope my sister-in-law won’t see anyone outside!”
/He spoke softly and bowed in his hands.
Seeing this, the village woman sneered and said: “Who is your sister-in-law? Don’t try to get relatives randomly, but since you are a member of the Zhang family, I will take you to the village ancestral hall to recognize your relatives first and see which branch you belong to, otherwise Zhu Fengshan’s ancestral land cannot tolerate outsiders entering!”
“Did you see those guards? Outsiders are not allowed to approach here. Violators will lose their lives!”
Hearing this, Taoist Dielong frowned slightly. This was too troublesome. He originally wanted to cast a spell to confuse the village woman in front of him, but after thinking about it, he suppressed it.
If there is a dragon cave in this mountain, the exploration will not be completed in one go. The dragon vein essence will also need to be extracted later. Many of the Black Dragon Sect’s wonderful methods must rely on the hands of these mortals, so as to avoid most of the backlash.
“Then ask sister-in-law to lead the way!”
Taoist Dielong had a smile on his face.
When the village woman saw that he had gone to see me, her face suddenly brightened. She held a hoe and led the way with a vegetable basket in front of her, welcoming Taoist Dielong into the village.
Along the way, many villagers saw the two of them and came forward to inquire.
Seeing this scene, the village

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