still remember that when the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom was first established in the past, why did the ancestors of the Gu Diao clan achieve great military exploits, become one emperor and eight kings, and forever control the national destiny of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom?”


“Gu Zhou swears by the sky that we, the Gu Diao clan, are willing to throw our lives and blood for His Majesty. Anyone who has two minds will die from the exhaustion of blood.”
“Don’t talk nonsense, as long as you have this heart.”
“Save the child.”
/Lu Bei’s plan to win over a group of people and suppress a group of people has begun, and the executor is Hu Er.
You don’t need to think about it to know that the first one to be suppressed is the Zhanhan clan. Who makes their clan leader the current Demon Emperor, the best target. Secondly, there is the Luwu clan. They have not come to the Nine-Tailed King’s City to recognize their mother yet. They are out of tune and deserve to be ostracized.
Later, Lu Bei prepared to challenge Xiang Liu and Chong Ming to take action, using Gu Diao as the vanguard, to win over Mirage Dragon and Kui Niu, and break up the small alliance secretly formed by the four royal families.
Like all history, when a new king conquers the world, he will use the brains of his old subordinates.
There is no point in retreating from the rapids. What Lu Bei wants is experience.
The good news is that he only wants experience, not brains.
The bad news is, he doesn’t just want it once.
The reputation of being too dark is well deserved.
Let me mention here that Tai An is Lu Bei’s latest vest name. He is aiming at the first generation Demon Emperor and wants to use a name from among the Five Innate Tai Tai.
Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, Taiji, among which Taiyi and Taichu sound the most popular.
Some counselors think it’s inappropriate. What if these two old monsters really exist in the world of immortality? It’s taboo to have the same name, especially these five names. Each one has great luck. It’s best not to get involved if you can.
Lu Bei thought it made sense, listened to the suggestion, and turned to look at the Black Winged Golden Eyed Eagle Clan.
The black-winged golden-eyed eagle’s bloodline is promoted to Tianpeng, and Tianpeng is promoted to the golden-winged roc. It is most reasonable to borrow a surname from the golden-eyed eagle clan, and it is reasonable for others to ask.
It didn’t work out. The surname of the Golden-eyed Eagle clan was Hei. Lu Bei looked disgusted. It was inconsistent with his core temperament and he didn’t want to suffer this injustice.
He likes white the most, and black and so on will not be considered.
After thinking for a moment, each took a step back and took Tai, one of the five innate Tai Tai, and combined it with Hei, the black-winged golden-eyed eagle, to name the golden-winged roc demon body Taimin.
After taking the name, I felt a sense of accomplishment as a cultural person, and my spiritual level improved a bit.
The troops patrolling the eastern suburbs were dispa

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