n recognize his pretty face.


There must be something wrong.
In line with the principle that boys should protect themselves when they go out, Lu Bei decided to find someone to get a set of information, preferably someone who was dumber and would not speak out after being wronged.
/“Hey hey hey”
Two miles east of the camp, there is a forest of piles of rocks.
Lu Bei rubbed his little hands and blocked Zhan Hongqu in the corner, and said unceremoniously: “Senior Sister Zhan, in broad daylight and the world is bright, you are actually following me, saying, what kind of peace of mind do you have?”
Zhan Hongqu gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: “Zhan was ordered to lead the patrol team. When he sees someone sneaking around, he will naturally come forward to interrogate him. But it’s Junior Brother Lu. You choose a small road to walk. What do you want to do?”
“What a bad guy to complain first. If Lu Bei were a good guy, you would really stop him.”
Lu Bei curled his lips and said in a cliché: “I just had a great chat with Elder Zhan. Logically speaking, he should warn you to stay away from me. Why do you turn a deaf ear to his words?”
“My father has never said anything like this. It is my duty to sit down and lead the duty tour.”
“Okay, let’s stop it.”
Lu Bei interrupted, looked around coldly, stared into Zhan Hongqu’s eyes and said, “Actually, even if you don’t tell me, Lu knows that you ignored Elder Zhan’s advice and followed Lu because you like me.”
Zhan Hongqu had a look of astonishment on his face, and his whole body felt bad.
“Senior Sister Zhan, you are very kind, but Lu has his own heart. Even if you get my body, you can’t get my heart. Give up while you still can,” Lu Bei advised earnestly.
Hearing these words, Zhan Hongqu’s anger surged. He pulled out the iron sword behind him and struck Lu Bei on top of his head with a clang.
Without the sword intention attached, it was easily blocked by the innate sword body.
It’s good, but the attached sword intent is even worse. Not only is the iron sword blocked by the innate sword body, but the sword intent in Zhan Hongqu’s body will also be knocked out on the spot due to contact with the immortal sword intent, making the whole person weak.
At that time, the sky will not respond, and the earth will not work. When the old father comes over, he will inevitably become furious because of the misunderstanding, and he will fight Lu Bei with his sword.
Lu Bei pushed away the iron sword above his head and continued to speak sincerely: “Senior Sister Zhan, don’t get angry because of shame. Calm down. You are Senior Sister Bai’s close friend. How can you steal her beloved junior brother? I already know your intentions and will avoid you in the future. You go away and try to make sure we never see each other again.”
Bah, it smells shameless!
Zhan Hongqu looked disgusted and turned around to leave. After taking only two steps, Lu Bei blocked his way again.
“That’s right. In broad daylight, Lu lured you to a deserted place. What else could he do?”

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