for the human world, and then established the three realms of demons, demons, and immortals as the heaven for ascension. boundary.


Above the Three Realms, there is a majestic palace with tall wonders visible as far as the eye can see. It is the place where Taisu himself lives.
He is above all, above all living beings.
/In addition, there is also the underworld in the thirty-sixth heaven. Taisu put all the plundered underworld laws into it, and the new underworld world began to take shape.
“I see, you are also planning for the position of Great Heavenly Lord.”
Lu Bei took a quick look and saw through Tai Su’s ambition, and said in wonder: “The underworld is finally here, move the divine realm, the demon realm, and the fairy realm into the thirty-sixth heaven as the upper realm, and then include the spiritual land, the demon realm, and the Kyushu continent As a new human world, you can create new ways to create a new world, bypass the cause and effect of the former Great Heavenly Lord, and become a new Great Heavenly Lord.”
“My vision is not bad, I do have this intention.”
Taisu appeared in the world of white light. He was trapped in the underworld for ten thousand years, and he tried his best to develop the thirty-sixth level of heaven, and deduced the method to transcend the cause and effect and become a great heaven.
Either don’t want it, or want the best, and he also wants to fight for the Great God.
“It’s a good idea, but have you thought of a way to deal with demon lords, demon gods, and those who are invincible for life? Your path is too dangerous. If you come to your door and ask others to treat you like a dog, I’m afraid you will become the target of public criticism!”
Lu Bei marveled at Tai Su’s boldness. He was better than his predecessor. When it came to the fox’s deeds, he was willing to call Tai Su the strongest.
“So what, if you are not the Great Heavenly Lord, you are an ant. If you can’t live vigorously, you will die vigorously!” Tai Su spoke domineeringly, with extraordinary arrogance.
Lu Bei hesitated when he heard the words, nodded and said: “I have learned the lesson.”
A man can’t eat five pots of food in life, and he will be cooked in five pots of food in death. Such decisive words cannot be said by Lu Bei. They are too strong, and admitting Tai Su is even more extreme.
His words were also about climbing up, but they were relatively tactful.
How can a man live in the world between heaven and earth and live in depression for a long time?
Tai Su didn’t want to suffer any loss, so he returned Lu Bei’s arrogant words as they were. In order to dampen Lu Bei’s fighting spirit, he raised one hand, holding a heavenly scroll.
He used the thirty-six heavenly gates as the foundation to plan all sentient beings in the three realms, and the heavenly book came into being.
Due to the incompleteness of the thirty-six heavens, except for the underworld realm, there is no one else. His number of heavens cannot be compared with the Sutra of Abandonment, but in this realm, he is the omnipotent heaven

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