l clock and said:


“I’ll go back and think about it and give you an answer tonight.”
No matter what, it is necessary to go above the gray fog to divine the degree of danger.
Considering that Bilt and Sotos were Sequence 7 or even Sequence 6 Beyonders, Klein did not ask to go to the bathroom in person, lest the other party notice the problem.
Since he did not reveal who the big shot was, Bilt was not worried and nodded:
“I hope we can work together happily.”
/On Williams Street, a sturdy Fussac man nearly two meters tall is looking for clues.
Suddenly, he was inspired and raised his head.
A light like morning light appeared around him, illuminating the surrounding houses and gas street lamps as if they were hallucinations.
At the same time, there were fires on the street and various supernatural phenomena occurred.
Sure enough, the Sauron family also sent people. The Fusac man who had been suspicious before turned his attention to the front of the street.
/He saw night watchers wearing red gloves or black gloves appearing one after another, and saw the dark muzzles with complex patterns protruding from the roof, aiming at him, but the pedestrians around him seemed not to notice at all.
He also saw the Backlund Parish Archbishop Horamik of the Church of Steam and Mechanics, and the Backlund Parish Archbishop St. Anthony of the Church of the Goddess of the Night.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Sauron family members raising their hands above their heads.
The powerful Futhac spy followed suit.
They made a decisive decision and chose to surrender.
Resistance will result in death on the spot, surrender will give you a chance to be redeemed
At 6:30 in the evening, Klein came to the “Sweet Lemon” bar again and met Birt and Sotos.
He said expressionlessly:
“Paid £500 in advance.
“Then tell me who the target is that needs to be turned into.”
Bilt couldn’t help showing a clear smile, and while gesturing to Sotos to go to the safe, he said in a deep voice:
“He is the kingdom’s supreme naval commander in the Central Sunian Sea.
“His Excellency Admiral Emilius Levitt
“A true demigod”
Admiral Emilius Levitt, the real demigod, heard Bildt’s explanation, and two words instantly popped into Klein’s mind:
“Sorry, bye”
Seeing Gehrman Sparrow raise his eyebrows slightly, Bilt quickly explained:
“This does not affect the difficulty of the mission.
“No one here needs demigods to show their strength.”
He cleared his throat, smiled and said:
“In order to make this mission less difficult, His Excellency the Admiral specially arranged to inspect the Oravi Naval Base in the past few days, so that he does not need to stay at the naval base camp in the Central Suniya Sea, the City of Generosity Bayam thus avoids Sea King Arn Courtman, the Governor of the Rhoad Islands, George Negan, most of his subordinates who are familiar with him, his relatives who run the family business there, and those who are most familiar with him. A mistress.
“That is to say, you don’t need to face the gaze of demig

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