nd quickly.


After the exercise, now is the time when Wang Meng’s energy is at its strongest.
He Wan’er left the city and headed towards the Taibai Mountains.
The Taibai Mountain Range is far and wide, with countless branches. The place where Wang Meng and Wan’er had a picnic was Huozu Mountain, which is the closest to Wangcheng. In the early morning, they climbed up and looked far away, enjoying the mountain breeze and drinking mountain spring water. So uncomfortable.
Not to mention, in the later stages of the Small Thousand Realm, I was either busy with cultivation or the affairs of the Star Alliance, and I had to fight everywhere from time to time. It has been a long time since I could calm down and do something like this. I feel like I have become a human being of flesh and blood again. Is this just joining the world?
Wan’er was like a deer released into the wild, jumping around happily, throwing stones at one moment, picking flowers at another, and picking delicious wild vegetables. She would let out a cry of surprise, and the entire mountain was filled with her happy echoes.
Since this place is the closest to Wangcheng, it is also one of the most frequented places by monks who hunt spiritual beasts.
The time spent traveling around the mountains and rivers always flies by, and it’s noon in the blink of an eye. Wan’er, who was a little exhausted from playing, touched her belly and was too embarrassed to speak.
/Wang Meng smiled and touched Wan’er’s head, “Are you hungry?”
“Master, are you hungry?”
Wan’er shook her head sensibly. How could she eat just because she was hungry? The young master is the master. Only when the young master is hungry can he eat. This is the education she has received since she was sensible.
“I’m hungry too, so I’m just waiting for Wan’er to get me something to eat.” Wang Meng said, taking out the big bag Wan’er was carrying in the morning from the Qiankun bag and handing it to Wan’er’s hand.
“Yes! Don’t worry, young master. Even the eldest lady said Wan’er’s dishes are delicious!”
Wan’er happily opened the big bag, which contained various condiments and hundreds of small bottles.
Wang Meng glanced at it curiously, and was pushed away by Wan’er, “Young master, you are not allowed to look at it. You are a man, just wait and eat.”
Wan’er opened the Qiankun bag, and it was really smoother than the previous Rencai brother. Jiang Biyao was really right. Even if the previous Wang Rencai had such a lust, he still couldn’t beat Xiao Wan’er.
After a while, a large open-air kitchen appeared out of thin air on a piece of grass. No wonder it could fill a Qiankun bag so much that even the big bag of seasonings couldn’t be stuffed in.
At this time, Wan’er started to cook happily, humming a self-composed ditty while cutting various wild vegetables that she had picked in the mountains before, “Wild radish, green sprouts, and carrots are the sweetest.”
Wang Meng was driven aside by Wan’er. This place was already beyond the edge of Huozu Mountain. From a distance, it was a large mountain

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