birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers. Clouds are born every step of the way, and the fairyland is no different.


With ordinary people, it is about pomp and circumstance, but with real monks, what is important is the courage and true strength of a family.
The environmental design of the inner courtyard shows the powerful heritage of the Wang family at every turn. Not to mention the soundproof magic circle, only the fragrance of flowers is mentioned. It is not the fragrance of real flowers, but an extremely rare spice that passes through the magic circle. The breath released has the miraculous effect of calming the mind and improving the speed of monks’ practice. Ordinary monks will only use this strange fragrance preciously and seriously when they advance to the next level, but here, the Wang family only treats it as They are just small props to enhance the atmosphere. Luxurious arrangements like this are everywhere in the inner courtyard.
/Even Master Wang likes this kind of arrangement. Everyone likes the good environment. Although he is not interested, Wang Meng does not shy away from the cutscenes that need to be done. Regardless of whether he knows someone from the Wang family, he will meet them in the future anyway.
The terraces of each elegant courtyard were now filled with guests. In each courtyard, there was an outstanding disciple of the Wang family to greet the guests, and different disciples were assigned according to the level of the guests in the courtyard.
The Shidao Building where Wang Meng was located was full of guests, all of whom were important figures in high positions, or ministers of the imperial dynasty, or masters of spiritual cultivation who exuded a strong aura, or young heroes who came to represent their families.
As the banquet began, the atmosphere got better and better, but it had nothing to do with Wang Meng. Apart from everyone toasting him with a token glass of wine at the beginning of the banquet, no one paid any attention to Wang Meng. Perhaps it was because these people knew Wang Meng too well. , the outside world is still a little confused, but within the family, they all look down upon him.
“Ah, Nephew Li Xian, the last time I saw you, the true energy in your body was still a little exposed. Now you have completely restrained yourself. I can no longer see your depth. Are you getting married now?”
“Uncle Zuo is serious. The boy is not married yet. It depends on his parents’ wishes.”
“I heard that a dragon’s nest was discovered in Zhongbei Mountain. Do you want to go with me to explore it?”
“I have an interesting anecdote. It is said that the seventh princess lost her temper a few days ago and chopped off all her redbud flowers. Now she has planted blood roses instead.”
“Speaking of interesting facts, Meng Ningzi seems to be changing her bow again.”
“Changing the bow? This is the second time this year, right? The last time was a great improvement in cultivation, could it be the same this time?”
“Tsk tsk, our Great Zhou Dynasty is about to flourish. The younger gen

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