failure rate.


Wang Meng did not dislike such forging. This was an opportunity for him to accumulate experience for free and test the laws of heaven in this Zhongqian Realm.
The two deacons were stunned, “What Master Wang?”
/“Who else! Wang Meng, Master Wang! Can’t even the newly promoted masters remember it?”
The faces of the two deacons paled, “Yes, let’s go prepare the weapon room for Master Wang.”
Pang Hong turned around. Facing Wang Meng, his expression became much cuter, and he said with a smile: “Master, time is short, and the decoration of your exclusive weapon room has not been completed, so I can only force you to use the common weapon room shared by the guests. It’s a pity that Master Tian Go out before the light is on, otherwise you can use the master’s special weapon room.”
Wang Meng nodded. For him, these are all trivial matters. The important thing is to create the spiritual weapon that will be “contributed” to the Artifact Pavilion and fail a few times to test the laws of heaven. Extravagant and wasteful things like this, With Wang Zhenren’s current financial resources, he is naturally not sensitive to thanks. Only the Artifact Pavilion family has a big business and can support such losses. Of course, Artifact Pavilion is not a loss-making business. A little loss can earn the services of a master. , making the Artifact Pavilion a holy place for all weapon refining masters, this is the biggest benefit. Auxiliary organizations such as the Artifact Pavilion, the Alchemy Alliance, and the Soul Controlling Association can actually become the largest speakers in this world. It’s not how powerful the Three Immortals are, but the concept of “Holy Land”.
/Coming to the weapon room shared by the guest, it is rarely used. It is only used when several weapon masters discuss with each other, share their knowledge, and need to demonstrate the forging technique.
Wang Meng looked at the furnace. It was definitely not as useful as President Yang Qi’s exclusive furnace. It seemed to have some minor flaws, but for Wang Meng, these could be overcome.
The two deacons who had come to prepare the Taoist room lowered their heads and retreated. They trotted around the corridor and came to a courtyard. They saw Hu Qishi sitting on a stone bench under the vines, eating fruits. .
“Senior Brother Hu.” The two men’s eyes lit up, and they stepped forward, smiling and shouting.
“Is everything done?” Hu Qishi’s tone was very calm, exactly like a senior brother.
“Yes, Senior Brother Hu, except for the two of us, no one knows what is going on with the small flaw in the guest’s public instrument room, and it is guaranteed to reduce the success rate by more than 30%.” One person said with a flattering slander. Mei said.
The success rate dropped by 30%!
For forging master works, that is simply a curse of 100% failure.
“There’s no need to mention this little thing.” Hu Qishi waved his hand and threw the two cards out, “This is for you, it gives you an advantage.”
“Hehe, it’s indeed cheap. From our point of view, that Master W

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