borrowing the mythical beast, Wang Meng really felt the feeling of mastering order.


This is a different experience in Xiaoqianjie.
/The full performance of the godhead really makes an earth-shaking difference. This is because it is not enough to rely on one’s own cultivation alone.
The rules of the Zhongqian Realm, different experiences, all five little guys have hope.
The first change brought about by the temple was that Wang Meng’s five-element waste body finally disappeared, and his body had five-element attributes.
Even Wang Zhenren has a lot of freshness. After all, the five elements have been missing for a long time, especially for the five elements, but there are also benefits. It is precisely because of this lack that he understands the power of yin and yang reincarnation.
The reincarnation of yin and yang cooperates with the enlightenment of the five elements. This is the process of moving towards the power of chaos.
Today’s space of gods is a little different, much more lively than the last battle between Golden Wolf and Samsara Immortal Lord.
Because today is the day when the five emperors gather together, the gathering of the five emperors has only one purpose, and that is to pursue a breakthrough to a higher level of the God Conferred Tower.
There is no doubt that the Three Immortals and Five Emperors rule this world. The Three Immortals are aloof and are absolutely the supreme beings. They have established the order of this world. They are also the most likely to ascend and immerse themselves in practice. There are few in the secular world who can See them or hear them.
The most powerful existence that the monks can still see is the Five Emperors.
No one knows how far the three immortals are in the God-Selfing Tower. Even if they penetrate a certain tower level, it will not be of much help to other monks, because obviously no one knows the path and method, and the higher they go up The more the tower layers are imprisoned, the more one is not satisfied and cannot be entered at all.
Another situation is Qijue. Qijue can penetrate a certain tower level with its huge organizational power. But they will not share it with other monks. This experience is undoubtedly priceless. A new tower level means infinite wealth of cultivation, which is obviously impossible to share.
But the Five Emperors are a different kind, and they will not deliberately hide all this.
But now that the five emperors are gathering together, there is no doubt that there is a problem. One is the tower level that they must unite to face.
The monks were as anxious as a cat scratching their heads. They really wanted to know how many levels they would have to face.
There was a commotion in the crowd. The God Emperor of Earth has arrived. Among the five emperors, everyone usually calls them Water Emperor or Fire Emperor. But anyone who dares to call Earth Emperor in front of the God Emperor of Earth will definitely be killed instantly.
/The five emperors all have weird tempers, but the Fire Emperor is not the most irritable. The

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