could only squeeze in the room full of red sleeves and look at the young master silently. At that time, the young master’s grace and handsomeness captivated many of Ming Yuxuan’s sisters. At that time, Pan’er thought about it, if he could stay with her forever Around the young master, even if he writes a pen to add fragrance and acts as a servant girl, Pan’er will accept it.”


Whispering softly and heartfeltly, holding the beautiful woman in her arms under the moonlight and starlight peach blossom tree, even with Zhu Peng’s powerful eyes and poisonous eyes, he can’t get the sweetness from Ouyang Pan’s bright and watery eyes. It is indeed extremely difficult to find any incongruity or flaw in the sweet and clear words, because the girl said everything sincerely.
“Pan’er doesn’t understand, the young master is already at the top, why are you so eager for quick success and even at the expense of a lifetime of happiness? I always feel like there is a sword pointing at the young master behind his back, asking you to work hard and work hard. , you are working hard to increase your power and strength. Since you started following the young master, you have given Pan’er the feeling of being like a string that has been tightened, and it seems that you cannot tolerate any slackness.”
/“Haha, sacrificing your life’s happiness is too much for a little girl like you.” Smiling softly, he rubbed Ouyang Pan’s hair and head with one hand, giving the girl a gorgeous straight black hair. A mess. “Gong Hanying is a beauty in the world. Not only did the poisonous dragon Li Zhe protect her, but she also had a relationship with the Kuji Sword Sect. What’s more, she held the moon in her arms and was a 100% virgin. If I marry a couple of married people, it will definitely be a beautiful thing, how can I say that I am sacrificing a lifetime of happiness?”
Chapter 382 Peach Blossom Drunkenness under the Moon (2)
“But in the Foreign Affairs Department, no matter how clean she is, her reputation is far and wide. How good is her reputation as a political social butterfly? For the young master, this is a great harm.”
“Haha, compared to Han Ying, my blood, Zhu Peng, had already been known throughout the Qinwang Mountains for being lustful and greedy for sex a few years ago. Now I’m afraid it has spread to the entire cultivation world. You don’t know, I am going to Da Da Da this time. In the Snow Mountain Spirit Realm, the young master of Liexin Shura Sect actually sent his sister out to pick me up. She was a pink and tender little loli, so delicate and beautiful that I almost couldn’t help but eat her. .”
“How can it be the same? The young master is a heroic overlord, so naturally he must be accompanied by a maid. Otherwise, it will make the young master look shabby and make people think that we, Blood Soul Ridge, lack style. Even some crimson rumors only add to the young master’s romantic reputation. But it’s different for a woman, just like her Gong Hanying’s ability and status are completely incomparable to the young master.” Shaking hi

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