used as a spearman by the royal family, you might as well make good friends with Qi Yan and Xiong Chu. Their families have no shortage of princesses. You can handle the matter perfunctorily. A bowl of water will be served to you by then, Xuanlong The matter has been taken care of, it turns out that the wise brother has been prepared for it, but he is talking too much for his sake.”


“Is it possible, Xuanlong or something, that you misunderstood.”
Lu Bei shook his head, clasping his top-notch little hands and said, “Thank you, brother, for the advice. Unfortunately, dear brother, I keep a clean mind and am notoriously not close to women. I can’t use your trick.”
“Brother Xian, is it possible that you don’t know yourself well enough?”
“No way, absolutely impossible.”
Lu Bei slapped Dingliu’s little hand, pointed his nostrils at Hu San, and said with pride: “Brother’s damaging moves are effective, but they are only suitable for you. Brother, what kind of cultivation do I have? The integration stage, the ordinary tribulation stage. Here, the men will kill and bury them, and the women will cry and beg to be let go. Do I need to wrong myself?”
“That’s right, I’m not you. A truly strong man has nothing to fear. No matter what his conspiracy is, he will blow them all up with one punch.”
“By the way, brother, long time no see. What’s your current level of cultivation? Have you finished your cultivation?”
Lu Bei looked up and down and said: “If you haven’t cultivated the void, don’t be so shameless as to sit at the same table with this sect leader. If the news spreads, I will put my face wherever I want. I can’t afford to embarrass that person!”
“Why are you still standing there? Let go now. I can touch Xunyi’s little hands, can you? You’re laughing so hard. Squat down and pee and look in the mirror. You deserve it too!”
Hu San was furious and slammed the door and left.
Lu Bei chuckled, grabbed Dingliu’s two small hands and rubbed them, and quickly caught up with his eldest brother.
In this face-based world, the top class is still a little worse than his big brother.
On the street, Hu San transformed into a rough-faced man, and Lu Bei caught up with him, arms crossed, raising his eyebrows and said: “Although Juxian Yage is our own property, Xunyi is an outsider after all. We talk so clearly, is it okay?” Is there something wrong?”
“She is from the Xuanyin Division.”
“Then what?”
“Obey Yu Tao.”
Lu Bei nodded, and then said: “My younger brother has no agenda when he comes to the capital. He mainly wants to pay New Year’s greetings to his godmother. It’s time to meet her.”
“She is not at home. She is recuperating in the secret realm of the Imperial City.”
“What, my godmother is going to be struck by lightning?”
Fox’s face looked worried.
He talks about being an old witch, and often thinks about dividing up the family property with Lu Bei a hundred years later. The premise is that no one can stop Hu Er from doing evil. If a disaster comes, he will not be able to laugh at it.
/“My godmother

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