and the environment is still very bad, you are not too ugly. I, Zhu Peng, am back again.”


With this declaration, there is almost nothing left to tell about the following story. While Zhu Pengshang was in the process of forming the elixir, he could instinctively use the characteristics of the “Infinite Qi Sea Innate Skill” to immobilize Li Xuan, let alone the state where he had already achieved the innate skill.
/Facing the huge black hole vortex above his head, Zhu Peng, who finally figured out the situation, did not use the characteristics of the infinite innate skill of the sea of ????qi to directly gather the infinite energy to fill and block the entire black hole. His fingers swept out a streak of purple sword energy that cut through the sky and the earth. The void was shattered. A black hole larger than the black hole Li Xuan had formed was forcibly cut out by the sword energy. Then he turned around and swallowed up the black hole that Li Xuan had appeared unnaturally. After a generation of magic stars, it came to an unclear end.
/Li Xuan’s death and Zhu Peng’s sudden appearance to turn the tide had a direct impact on Zhu Peng’s personal prestige soaring like crazy. In the end, Zhu Peng succeeded the Huashan Sword Sect as the head, and announced the merger of the Five Sacred Sword Sects and established the Quanzhen Sect. ·The Tianjian Sect did not receive any major impact. Perhaps everyone knows that it is useless to object. Back then, I and others could not deal with the Demon Lord Li Xuan, so now it is even more impossible to deal with Zhu Peng, who “cleft the sky with one sword, and the sword split the void to bury the Demon Lord” .
Zhu Peng killed Li Xuan with his sword, and after expelling a few dissidents, he easily controlled most of the remaining forces in the Earth Star Cultivation World. After establishing the Quanzhen Tianjian Sect, Zhu Peng sorted out the sect’s affairs and went up to Wudang Mountain to start looking for the top of the mountain and pay homage. Boss: Zhang Sanfeng, the immortal on earth.
Although there is only one disciple of Zhang Sanfeng here in Dixing, Taoist Master Sun Chongxu, but regardless of Taoist Chongxu’s own strength, it only depends on the master when beating a dog. If you don’t enter the Jindan realm, you will never know how terrifying Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang Taoist Temple is. Before Zhu Peng entered the Jindan realm, he always felt that although Wudang and Da Chan had similar reputations, in the final analysis, Da Chan was stronger. After all, after so many years With his own foundation and strength, no matter how amazing Zhang Sanfeng is, it is really impossible for one person to make the foundation and strength of Wudang Temple surpass that of the Great Zen Temple with the power of one person for thousands of years.
This seemingly correct cognitive concept was completely broken when Zhu Peng was promoted to the Jindan Realm. Zhu Peng was promoted to the Jindan Realm, and he did not get the Supreme Pure Yang Qi Sea Boundless Dao Dan that Wang Chongyang got back t

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