approach him.


David was really shocked. Dozens of extraordinary people gathered together. This President Louis was really crazy.
He continued to drive the hover car towards the Zealand Hotel.
The hover car stopped at the entrance of the Sealand Hotel. A waiter came over and opened the door for David. David straightened his clothes and got out of the hover car.
“Arthur, are you here for the reception too?” A fat young man saw David and walked over and asked.
David couldn’t help but be startled. Hearing the fat man’s tone, he knew Arthur, but David didn’t know the fat man.
But David had already known that such a day would come, and he had already thought of a plan to deal with it.
“You too?” David asked briefly.
“I didn’t expect you to be lucky enough to become a deputy team leader. I came here with the team leader to see what he was doing. By the way, all the team leaders attending the reception this time are team leaders. Where is your team leader?” The fat man showed his face first. He looked envious, then looked around and asked.
/“I came here on my own.” David didn’t know the fat man’s name and identity, so he could only say vaguely.
At this time, David saw a hover car arriving. It was Director Bolivar who got off the hover car, and Director Bolivar also saw him.
David rushed forward to get rid of the fat man.
When the fat man saw Director Bolivar, his thick neck shrank and he quickly stepped aside.
He also saw David’s actions and couldn’t help but lament the injustice of the world.
Arthur was originally an ordinary researcher like him, but he was much more flexible than Arthur. With his eloquence and superb flattering skills, he was able to get along like a duck in water.
The fact that he was able to attend such an important cocktail party showed how much he was recognized by the team leader.
It’s just that after comparing him with Arthur, he felt unbalanced. In his mind, Arthur was just lucky and received care from his superiors.
“Arthur, let’s go in together!” Director Bolivar looked at his right-hand man and said with a smile.
“Director, the standard of this cocktail party is very high!” David couldn’t help but asked when he saw a Chaorong standing at the door of Xilan Hotel.
“Of course, Dean Constable of the Federal Research Institute passed away due to an accidental research accident, and the position of director is vacant. Recently, people who want to be in that position at the Federal Research Institute have been trying to build connections. This cocktail party also has this effect. Reasons!” Director Bolivar said softly to David.
This kind of secret news can best bring the relationship between each other closer. Director Bolivar knows this very well. A piece of news that is not too secret can make David grateful to him.
“So that’s it!” David nodded and responded.
Only then did David realize that he still had something to do with him. Thinking about it, the director of the Interstellar Federation Research Institute had fallen. Naturally, many people would be eyeing such a position.

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