ill make people collapse.


If we dare not take the sea route and evacuate by land, both the efficiency and the mortality rate will increase significantly.
Perhaps realizing that the humans wanted to evacuate, the Orc Empire continued to send out rangers to hunt refugees on the prairie.
There are exceptions to everything. Others’ fleets do not dare to move, but the Mountain Territory still carries out transportation with great fanfare.
It’s a pity that panic will spread, and after two transportations, the hired fleet quit.
“Mr. Jose, this is not a matter of money.
The main reason is that the sailors are scared. I tried my best, but they still refused to board the ship. ”
Captain Gur said awkwardly.
The previous transportation tasks could not be completed on time, and the Mountain Territory had already extended them once. Now that he has come here to do misfortune, he himself is embarrassed.
However, his subordinates did not give him face. After two trips, they were no longer willing to take this route.
“Captain Gur, didn’t the first two times go well?
In the recent period, I haven’t heard any news about the ghost ship. It seems that they also suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Holy See fleet.
/You can act with confidence and boldly, there is nothing to worry about! ”
Jose pretended to be calm and persuaded.
He has used similar reasons many times, but the effect is not as good as the last time.
“Dear Mr. Jose, it’s not that I, Gur, don’t want to give you face, it’s really that the mission can’t be carried out.
This time we came back from Newport. The ships along the way were almost extinct, and everyone gave up this route.
For safety reasons, we sail close to the coastline, but everyone is still afraid!
Once the ghost ship comes out of the Sea of ​​Mist, our fleet will only be wiped out. ”
Gur said with a sad face.
The people below are afraid, and so is he, the ship owner!
All the wealth is on it. If something goes wrong, everything will be lost.
In an instant, Jose realized that this was someone deliberately releasing panic in order to combat the maritime trade of the Alpha Kingdom.
There are just too many suspects.
“Captain Gur, don’t worry, we still have a solution to this problem.
Before Jose could finish explaining his countermeasures, Gur interrupted:
“Mr. Jose, the foggy sea is so vast, how can you keep an eye on it?
Moreover, even if the Griffin Dragon discovers traces of the ghost ship, it may not be able to send the information back.
In recent days, several mercenary groups have entered the foggy sea to explore, never to return.
I heard that a few days ago, the Dalton family sent gryphon cavalry to monitor the foggy sea area, but they also lost their money.
There are too many lessons learned, and there is really no need to continue taking risks.
If something goes wrong and the earl pursues it, it will not end well for you! ”
Hearing this explanation, Jose also fell silent.
/The mercenary ships exploring deep into the foggy sea are tired of living and seeking death

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