places were taken by the repairman. After thinking about it, he summoned four people, “I suggest you find a partner to go together, preferably the Secretary.” Xiu, the danger of this mission is not low.”


places were taken by the repairman. After thinking about it, he summoned four people, “I suggest you find a partner to go together, preferably the Secretary.” Xiu, the danger of this mission is not low.”
Everyone knew that the risk of this mission was not low, but when he announced the mission, Qin Tianzhu forgot to indicate “Under the command of the Secretary Xiu, you are not allowed to accept the mission” – you see what happened .
/Due to the negligence of the Autobots, Li Changsheng had to double his contribution points and proposed a two-person team, and there must be at least one repairman in the team.
Hua Sixiu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed Mao Binzhao, “Xiao Mao, I am very good at investigating.”
Mao Binzhao did not reject him. Neither of them were children of the family. They were relatively non-mainstream in Thunder Valley, and the situations were similar.
Of course, the more important thing is that both of them have relatives in Thunder Valley, and they are the kind of people who can run away but cannot run away from the temple.
The four groups set off quickly. Although Binbei Shuangdu did not go to inquire about the situation, he also went outside the mountain to prepare for the returnees.
Because this was the first time that Lei Gu had released an external mission, and it also involved King Jing’s developments, after they left, the atmosphere in Lei Gu became much more depressing.
Some people even said directly: Isn’t even going home to celebrate the New Year a luxury?
If King Jing dares to do this, his reputation will definitely be ruined – even if his reputation is already very bad.
/Near noon, it began to rain lightly. The rain in the twelfth lunar month was extremely cold, which made everyone’s emotions even more depressed.
Fortunately, not long after, more refugees arrived in Thunder Valley, sporadically, so they were immediately invited to Li Yongsheng.
These refugees came from two main roads, and there were indeed people blocking them on the road, but when those people saw them, they ignored them. Some people came up to ask for some food, but they were kicked twice and ordered to get out.
After hearing this situation, Li Yongsheng and Zhao Xinxin were basically sure that King Jing’s interception target was not the scattered refugees, but mainly the organized refugees – such as family members, and those who were well-planned. A very good village with mixed surnames.
At night, the rain continued to fall, and the number of refugees entering Thunder Valley today had just exceeded 200.
In the early morning, the rain stopped, but the sky remained overcast until noon the next day, when it started to rain again.
Because the four groups of people who went out to inquire about the news did not come back, the atmosphere in Lei Gu became more and more depressing.
Li Yongsheng didn’t take it seriously. He sat under the parasol, drinking tea and humming, “Go to Thunder Valley to watch the rain in winter. Don’t cry in a foreign land. Come to Thunder Valley to wat

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