finished their shift and entered the small courtyard, each one of them made it clear that it was so comfortable here.


finished their shift and entered the small courtyard, each one of them made it clear that it was so comfortable here.
Some people may think that this is just an illusion caused by psychological suggestion, but most high-level cultivators are very sure in their hearts that this Five Elements Formation of Life and Death is really set up correctly, completely blocking the art of hating victory.
But on the third day, the problem still came. Du Jingjing and Zhang Muzi couldn’t bear it anymore. They took the Qi Qi Pills several times. There was really no way. They had to output spiritual energy endlessly for two days and two nights. It was really too much. People.
Let’s try it as an ordinary person. Even if you don’t output spiritual energy, you can sit there for two days and two nights and show it to everyone?
A hundred miles is nothing, that is to say, if you walk a hundred miles, there is no difference between carrying ten kilograms on your back and twenty kilograms on your back. No matter how light the burden is, if you can’t walk, you just can’t walk.
There was no problem with Shao Zhenren, but he still gave up his seat and let Guan Luluo drive the formation. This was his way of training his disciples, but others couldn’t envy him because there was no substitute player.
Wrong, there was a substitute player in the center position, and the Nineteenth Emperor couldn’t bear it anymore. Anyway, there was a substitute player, so he went to the side to rest.
Li Yongsheng didn’t care, he just sat there like a muddy child, not reacting at all, and didn’t even take a sip of water.
/Zhao Xinxin wanted to get him some rejuvenation pills, but he refused. He glanced at the spirit stone – there was such a thing.
On the evening of the third day, Zhao Xinxin stood up, walked around, and came back to discuss with him, “Deacon Du is holding on very hard. I think Zhang Muzi can’t stand it anymore. When will this win-weary technique be over?”
Li Yongsheng After being silent for a while, he finally spoke slowly, “This is caused by resentment. It will be more powerful at night. Just hold on until tomorrow’s twilight hour. If it still doesn’t stop, everyone should take a rest for a long time and go coordinate it.”
This is the Five Elements Life and Death Array . The advantage is that you can stop at any time, you don’t need to maintain it all the time, you can take a break when you can’t hold it anymore, it’s great to let the victory-weary technique rage for half a day, what’s the point?
Of course, this decision is not his to make, and he only has the right to make suggestions.
Zhao Xinxin stood up again, walked around in a circle and came back, saying with a smile, “Everyone agreed, what do you want to eat tomorrow morning?”
“I just want to sleep for a while,” Li Yongsheng answered honestly, “What do you want to eat? You’ve made your decision. You can’t lose the Spiritual Valley anyway. I’ve used most of the Spiritual Stone. Ask His Highness for a few more pieces.” ”
In the end, you still want the Spiritual

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