ngsheng, “It seems that refugees are not welcome here.”


ngsheng, “It seems that refugees are not welcome here.”
“There is no place where refugees are welcome,” Li Yongsheng rolled his eyes.
“We still have compassion,” the county magistrate said immediately after hearing this. “The main reason is that these people have no sense of shame. They steal, rob, and urinate indiscriminately.” ”
Canglin knows etiquette, food and clothing . It’s not unusual to know honor and disgrace when you are satisfied,” Li Yongsheng said calmly, “A place with a large floating population will inevitably lead to more short-term behaviors. The so-called governance means setting rules.”
Zhao Xinxin glanced sideways at the county magistrate, “The county magistrate won’t come. , maybe you don’t want us to take in the refugees here?”
“Ninth Princess is joking,” the county magistrate replied with a smile, “the county magistrate went to the mountains to mediate the dispute between the two villages. Taking in the refugees will help stabilize the country. , of course we will give strong support.”
If the person who comes is just a disciple of Xuannv Palace, he is not afraid of arguing with reason, but this is the ninth princess of the King of England, and he really does not dare to be presumptuous – it should be noted that in the court There are rumors that the King of England may be using it a lot.
Zhao Xinxin looked at him sideways, “But why do I feel that you are so critical?”
The county magistrate thought about it and gritted his teeth and replied, “My lord, the county magistrate thinks that the conditions here in Zhongyi are not enough to resettle the refugees, so he hopes that Princess Ninth Clearly aware.”
“What does the county magistrate think?” Zhao Xinxin looked at him coldly, “I won’t ask him now. Since he is not here, I will ask you, are you willing to help the court?”
The county magistrate hesitated and gritted his teeth. The reply was, “Ninth Princess, please go to the county government office to discuss it.”
Chapter 589: The room
is one foot high. The county government office is three miles ahead. There is a large playground. At the end of the playground, there are two rows of adobe bungalows.
/The playground is very flat, but the road leading to the playground is rugged and extremely muddy.
After the group entered the playground, there was about half a foot of mud and water on the horses’ legs.
Zhao Xinxin likes to be clean, but even when she is sitting on a horse, a lot of muddy water is splashed on her trouser legs.
She frowned and said nothing, but Qin Tianzhu refused, “I said, Lao Fang, the road in front of your yamen should be repaired. The people have something to do and come to the yamen to do something. They haven’t even entered the door yet. So… Drowned.”
Old Fang was the county magistrate. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly and said, “I have no choice. We are poor, and we need money to build roads.”
“That’s nonsense, isn’t it?” Gongsun Weiming snorted coldly, “I saw someone else The road is good, but the closer you get to the county go

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