just escape to the other courtyard next to the Nine Peaks outside Xuannv Mountain. That is the territory of Xuannv Palace, and the protection is stronger than that of Xuannv Palace. Our restaurant is much better.


just escape to the other courtyard next to the Nine Peaks outside Xuannv Mountain. That is the territory of Xuannv Palace, and the protection is stronger than that of Xuannv Palace. Our restaurant is much better.
Moreover, the Tian family would never choose to fall out with Xuannv Palace because of a fugitive – at worst, they would send people to monitor Xuannv Mountain and prevent King Jing from coming out.
The high-ranking master of Prince Jing’s Mansion was angry again, “How dare you offend the prince like this? Do you know what the crime is?”
Prince Jing has already started an uprising, but someone actually dares to publicly express that he is not optimistic about the outcome of the uprising, and still speaks sarcastically. , it’s really disrespectful.
“Don’t push me.” Gongsun Weiming looked at him with disdain, “Even if I see you today, I still dare to scold him. How can you, a dog of the system, understand the pride of our spiritual cultivation?”
/Even the hidden family dared to call Guangzong a bastard in front of him. It’s not a big deal to scold the young emperor without clear permission. ?
He is not addicted to scolding. , It is true that the young emperor was too indecisive in the face of the restlessness of the kings, otherwise the situation would not have developed to this point. Looking at the tragic situation of the common people in Sanxiang, Gongsun Weiming felt that swearing was an understatement.
As soon as the people in Prince Jing’s Mansion heard this, they knew they had met someone from a hidden family, and they were speechless for a moment.
They didn’t speak, and the people in Lei Gu ignored them. Someone went up to greet the Boling Army and asked them to organize the army.
/This scene happened right in front of King Jing’s army, but no one dared to step forward to stop it.
The fame of the Four Palaces is really not in vain. Even if King Jing came in person, he would not dare to go against the wishes of Xuannv Palace in person.
The most important thing is that the other party is not just talking about being strong, but actually dares to kill people.
Under the watchful eye of King Jing’s army, two hours later, the Boling Army was roughly reorganized. Of course, it was impossible to completely reorganize the army. That is to say, the sergeants were gathered according to each prefecture, and the wounded soldiers were gathered together. Also focus.
It started to rain lightly again, which is annoying during the rainy season.
The people from Lei Gu took the Boling Army more than ten miles away and began to distribute food. Many of the defeated soldiers fled for more than ten hours. They even lost their shoes and were already hungry.
After eating, the defeated soldiers continued to walk for about ten miles and finally relaxed completely when they came within a hundred miles of Thunder Valley.
King Jing’s army followed them all the way, but they didn’t take action, so Lei Gu didn’t bother to pay attention.
Li Yongsheng came over and spoke seriously, “This is already the

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