the Dragon Clan.


According to the analysis of some big guys, Linglong’s current strength shows an absolute advantage, and there are no flaws that can be targeted.
The most important thing is that the Dragon Clan is naturally resistant to some other abilities. Even if it is special, it has a certain resistance. If it cannot work against the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan’s strong dragon power will ultimately lead to a sudden tilt in victory or defeat. key factors.
Although the Dragon Clan has shown super power, the Meng Lord and Punisher Lord of the Monster Clan should not be underestimated. The inheritance from the highest bloodline of the Monster Clan is full of mystery. After all, in ancient times, they were as noble as the Dragon Clan. Today, after After so many years of accumulation, the demon clan has borrowed some things from humans. What kind of changes will there be and what kind of impact will it cause?
Only fighting can provide the answer.
After passing the first round of the main competition, there was indeed more confidence and joy in the calmness of the church members. After all, this was the first time for them to receive such recognition.
Before that, everyone could only be considered unknown.
Most of the monks from the Four Small Thousand Realms live in Yuexian Tower. Due to the strong performance of the Holy Church, they will also get some benefits in various aspects. The monks are very happy, whether it is for their knowledge or for the Holy Church. When the church came to Starlight City, the church’s performance like this must have boosted their morale. They were fighting during the day, and they must be drinking and partying at night.
Other cities may not be so exaggerated, but in Starlight City, the discussion about the Holy Temple has surpassed that of Purple Dragon and King of Power.
Everyone is full of expectations for the battle that will follow, and the temple disciples are talking loudly about the legend of the past, and now this legend will be staged in the Star Alliance.
Wang Meng, even on a bigger stage, is still unstoppable.
But not everyone is so happy.
It was late at night, and in the courtyard of the small church, a figure stared blankly into the sky, obviously full of sorrow.
This is the good old Zhou Qian, and he clearly feels that he is about to die.
The four holy statues have innate advantages. Zhang Xiaojiang and Suo Ming have life weapons, but they are actually more terrifying than the holy statues, and he is actually the worst among them all. The Sighing Shield cannot actually make the opponent sigh. At this point, I really can’t hold on any longer.
Everyone else was full of expectations and hopes, but he was worried about how to deal with the next one.
/The sound of footsteps came, “Senior Brother Zhou is so elegant.”
Zhou Qian smiled bitterly, “Sect Master, you’re not asleep yet.”
Wang Meng smiled. At this moment, time returned to the time when he first entered the temple. At that time, Wang Meng was still a newbie, and Zhou Qian was an out-and-out veteran. As

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