The head of the inspection room of Kuaiji County severely criticized King Ning’s behavior, and then he was assassinated in Jinling by several “angry knights” who thought that he did not know how to show sympathy for Li Shu.


The head of the inspection room of Kuaiji County severely criticized King Ning’s behavior, and then he was assassinated in Jinling by several “angry knights” who thought that he did not know how to show sympathy for Li Shu.
On the surface, it seems that the autonomy promoted by Prince Ning is a last resort, but in fact, the Chao Security Bureau is very sure that in recent times, Prince Ning’s Palace and Prince Jing’s Palace have been in frequent contact.
Even some people in Kuaiji County could see clearly that the territory controlled by King Jing in Kuaiji rarely looked at outsiders, and even gave up two transportation hubs, which eased the circulation of people and goods in Kuaiji County. pressure.
Therefore, the court did not believe that King Ning had no choice but to govern himself. It is said that the cabinet believed that King Jing was coercing King Ning into rebelling!
Chapter 805: Dividing the spoils
Of course, those who think King Ning is rebellious can only talk about it in private. On the surface, they still want to talk about autonomy.
If there is not even this fig leaf, the situation in China-Earth will only become more disintegrated.
King Xiang’s offensive is currently blocked. King Qin’s troops from Bingzhou and Yunzhong counties have entered Youzhou County and are confronting King Xiang’s army. Small-scale contact battles occur from time to time.
However, King Xiang seemed to have changed his mind now and began to attack westward, having already entered Yuzhou County.
However, as Yunzhong’s army moved south, King Yan began to recruit guards. It is said that he wanted to be wary of Ivan’s march south.
In short, Li Yongsheng and the others went all the way north, killing Rouran and Ivan. The external environment of the Central and Eastern Kingdoms has been greatly improved. Coupled with the previous harassment of the Crescent Kingdom, the international environment in which the Central and Eastern Kingdoms are located really cannot be ignored. That’s loose.
But it is very frustrating to have a house that is so rotten.
Speaking of this current situation, the three of them were not very interested.
/Zhang Muzi took the initiative to change the topic, “Zhenren Liu plans to return to the North Pole Palace tomorrow. Does Raphael’s thigh and the aura sealed on it need to be reinforced?”
This time everyone went north. They were unfamiliar with the place. Fighting was extremely frequent and the losses were heavy. It was a heavy loss, but everyone gained a lot. Even the extravagant Li Yongsheng got a first-generation blood demon and a true king puppet.
After Liu Qi obtained the apostle’s leg, he made the seal on his own because he was worried that he would be sensed by the disciples. However, Li Yongsheng thought that his method was average, so he helped seal it again on his own initiative.
Not to mention, the Jiaojiao side really didn’t give up on the inquiry about this leg. When he was in Beirouran, Li Yongsheng felt that at least twice, it was Zhenjun who was trying to figure ou

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