. “


. ”
It’s useful,” She Chongfang, who had always been quiet, said, “It can ruin the reputation of the kings and cause turmoil in their territory. I think the Tian family may be planning to wait for them to riot. Then welcome Master Wang.”
He said this without any expression, but the sarcasm in his tone could be felt personally.
Master Fang didn’t react at all to these words. As a member of the Tianji Palace, he didn’t care at all about the disrespect for the Tian family in the other person’s words.
But this is considered normal. She is not a member of the imperial court system. Are there fewer people scolding the Tian family these days?
“Humph,” Li Changsheng snorted coldly. He understood very well how cheap Li Shu’s life was in the eyes of those in power. Then, he sighed helplessly, “It’s true that in prosperity, the people suffer; in death, the people suffer. It’s bitter.”
“This is a very insightful statement.” Du Jingjing extended a thumbs up and then spoke with a smile, “Are you worried that the common people who have lost their food will flood into Boling County?” ”
This is also true. ,” Li Yongsheng nodded heavily, “Although Boling has a large farming area and is the granary of Central China, there are really too many Lishu in Yuzhou.”
Boling and Yuzhou are both major grain-producing counties in Central China, but Boling has a small population, only about 100 million, while Yuzhou has a population of almost 200 million. Therefore, Yuzhou cannot be regarded as the granary of Zhongtu, but can only be regarded as a major grain-producing county.
If the people of Yuzhou went to Boling to eat after being robbed of food, Li Yongsheng could not imagine the scene.
You know, the Boling people are still helping the refugees in Sanxiang. If the refugees from Yuzhou also come there, I really don’t know what kind of chaos it will be.
Du Jingjing nodded in realization, “By then, Bo Ling’s army that has reached Sanxiang will also be under logistical pressure.”
Li Yongsheng replied with a frown, “Who says it’s not the case?”
Fang Zhenren, who had not participated in the discussion, finally spoke up, “Doesn’t that mean that the plan of trapping the enemy with food also has a big flaw?”
“The flaw is not much, it’s just dead people,” She Chongfeng said coldly, “Now it’s a matter of who can afford it, how many people can die?” It’s almost over, and it’s time to end. Maybe the Tian family thinks he can afford it.”
“Well,” Master Fang frowned, “I don’t think the current one is so cruel.”
/She Chongfeng said coldly. Huh, “If you are not cruel, do
n’t even think about sitting in that seat.” He insisted that it was hard for others to say anything. Anyway, few of these real people were in awe of today’s family – it’s not like everyone relied on He eats.
After arriving at Shuntian Mansion, Gongsun Weiming and others entered the city excitedly. Li Yongsheng just found a piece of wasteland to camp, and asked the people from the Chao Security Bureau to notify Li Qingming and Ning Zhiyuan and invite them to

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