shout to catch the thieves and beat them up – OK, then you can go south to herd horses, and I, Hu, will take over!


shout to catch the thieves and beat them up – OK, then you can go south to herd horses, and I, Hu, will take over!
This answer made the Rouran people sit still. In fact, they did not go south and the army’s bloodiness was reduced. This was just one of the reasons. The more important reason was that they hoped to obtain the maximum gain at the minimum cost.
Once the Rouran people go south, they will first have to deal with the border troops and Kun Shuai at the border, and then they will face the risk of an all-out war with China.
Rouran people feel that the risk is too great if they do this, and even if they win in the end, the gains may not be worth the losses.
That’s why they used all their means to let people cause trouble in China. What they wanted was to cause civil strife in China. The more chaos, the better.
Only when China is in chaos can surrounding countries take advantage of it.
When the Middle-earth is in chaos, Rouran may not even need to send a single soldier, but can gain a lot of benefits just by talking.
At that time, it was the best time to go south to herd horses.
This is Rouran’s plan. When China shows concessions, it can launch troops and plunder, and still get a lot of benefits from the negotiation table. Finally, it can retreat proudly, which means it has both face and dignity.
/The people of Rouran had this idea at the beginning, to take small risks to achieve big results, to spend the smallest price as much as possible and get the most benefits – at this moment, going south to herd horses is really not something a wise man would do.
Not to mention that the rangers from Middle-earth have already invaded Rouran. Now that Rouran is sending troops south, they may not be able to attract these people back to Middle-earth – the fait accompli has been created, and it is difficult to change it.
It is true that Rouran doesn’t pay much attention to the rear, but they can’t completely ignore the rear. After all, everyone has wives, children, and children. Even people who don’t pay special attention to family always have to be a little concerned.
Not to mention that this season is when cattle and sheep are growing vigorously. Raising troops at this time will cause huge damage to the war potential of Rouran Kingdom.
So Rouran turned to the international community for help, and actively contacted Xinyue, Ivan and other countries to ask them to help her speak out.
Li Yongsheng and the others did not know this. In the following time, they moved northward step by step, and soon advanced more than 300 miles deep into the Rouran border.
A depth of three hundred miles is already quite large. When the Middle-earth Rangers were most active a while ago, they only pushed the depth to four hundred miles, and that was only a team of more than three hundred people, unlike now, which is six thousand. Many people were close to 7,000 people.
Correspondingly, there is an overall shrinkage of the Rouran people. Generally, it is rare to see Rouran tribes with more than a hundred people.
At thi

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