his feet and cursed, “These bastards know how to curry favor with powerful people all day long, but they are covering up the flower photographers!”


his feet and cursed, “These bastards know how to curry favor with powerful people all day long, but they are covering up the flower photographers!”
“Hurry up and report to the official,” the young man’s face turned pale. Although he was a bit like an old Jinling man, He is naughty, but in essence, he is still just a teenager. It is normal for him to lose his temper when encountering such a big thing.
He looked at Li Yongsheng as if asking for help, and spoke pitifully, “Brother, you are people with status, go and put pressure on the arresting room, otherwise, the child will be in trouble.”
Li Yongsheng said with a sullen face, slowly turning his head . He turned his head and looked at Zhao Xinxin, just in time to see her turning her head to look.
Their eyes collided in the air, and they could both see the deep smile hidden in each other’s eyes.
The woman taking pictures of flowers abducted the blood demon’s death-seeking vision, which is really admirable.
Chapter 877: Enemy?
/Li Yongsheng knew more about the Blood Demon than the average person, and knew that what he did was unreasonable.
I guess I’m going to use this as an excuse to find a deserted place and feast on human blood, right?
He has always hated races that suck human blood. When he encounters such a race, he usually kills them without mercy.
But at this moment, he really wasn’t in a hurry to find the woman: this kind of scum deserved to have her blood sucked dry.
Who doesn’t have children? What kind of miserable life will a little child face if he loses the love and care of his parents?
Evil people must be punished by evil people – such kind of people are really worse than blood demons.
He disagreed, but Zhao Xinxin suppressed her smile and spoke gloomily, “Here in Jinling City, can the government mobilize troops and block the city gate?”
Her original intention of this question was to take this opportunity to find out what happened in Jinling City. Some status quo.
However, the other party was not in the mood to answer this question. The young man stamped his feet and spoke anxiously, “Sealing the city gate is not something ordinary people can do, and your identity is not useful. You’d better look around quickly.”
” That’s right,” Kong Yiji nodded beside him, “They probably won’t take people out of the city. They can just sell the little girls from other places directly to the Qinhuai River.”
As an old Jinling, he was familiar with all kinds of fishy things in the city. , are quite clear.
Zhao Xinxin was immediately stunned, and her train of thought was distorted, “There is such a criminal activity in Jinling City, and the government doesn’t care about it?” ”
They don’t dare to abduct local children,” Kong Yiji replied firmly, and then sighed, ” If you’re from outside, you can’t stay in Aurous Hill. Are you looking for someone all the time?”
“Yes,” the young man said anxiously, “You’d better ask someone to look for you. There are some bastards in the city who like this. When the little girl grows up, as time goes by,

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