anation then, wouldn’t it save you a hard trip?


anation then, wouldn’t it save you a hard trip?
In fact, although Thunder Valley now has many masters, there are also many things to be busy with. It has opened up several fronts. If it continues, it will inevitably be stretched.
“Then I’ll go back to Thunder Valley.” Li Yongsheng felt that Yongxin was able to cope with all kinds of accidents in Suzaku City, and this was the bedside of Xuannv Palace. With the True Lord watching over him, nothing big could happen. .
/As for Lei Gu’s formation to destroy the Dao, he planned to fine-tune the formation while sitting in Thunder Valley after returning. To be honest, in the lower realm, he rarely had such a formation. An opportunity to improve yourself.
But just when he was about to leave, Master Fang came to him and said coquettishly, “My ancestors would like to ask Master Li to take him to meet the Ninth Princess.”
Li Yongsheng looked at him strangely, “You Aren’t the fox banners of the Fang family always attached to the body?”
Master Fang hesitated for a moment, then told the truth, “The ancestors said that when she meets the Ninth Princess, she might be able to help the Fang family gain some benefits.”
Li Yongsheng laughed upon hearing this. , “No wonder you didn’t go directly to Haidai when you were in Yuzhou. You just wanted to recover some losses before leaving.”
In fact, he could roughly guess that the nine-tailed fox wanted to say something to Yongxin. Let the Ninth Princess help take care of the Fang family.
He has always disliked those guys who take the wife route, but Yongxin is more emotional by nature and likes to hear stories about love, and the story of the nine-tailed fox is indeed more touching.
It is true that cultivating immortals is very lonely. Once you practice in seclusion, hundreds or thousands of years will only take a blink of an eye. However, that is the cultivator who is cultivating. In this process, time passes quickly.
There are few people who can live among the crowd and endure thousands of years of loneliness like the nine-tailed fox.
He hopes Yongxin can be happy because of this story.
That night, there was a rare spring rain. Li Yongsheng held a fox streamer and came to the garden to find Zhao Xinxin.
And Zhao Xinxin was sitting in a pavilion, sipping tea opposite Ding Jingzhu.
Since Ding Qingyao came forward for our restaurant two days ago, the relationship between the two has quickly become closer. At this moment, Master Li Hua went out on business again, so Ding Qingyao was left here – who said that Master Ding Jing was not sociable?
Seeing him coming, Ding Jingzhu stood up, nodded, and sat down again.
Zhao Xinxin smiled and said, “It’s the rainy season again soon. The days go by so fast. What did you do with the Fang family’s fox flags?”
Li Yongsheng waved his hand, and a curtain of gauze covered most of the pavilion. , and then said with a smile, “Someone wants to meet you.”
Ding Jingzhu chuckled, stood up again, “Do you want me to avoid it?”
Li Yongsheng glanced at her, thought about it and

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