
Li Yongsheng disdained Di snorted, “Do you really think he can justify himself?When the spy heard this, he was immediately stunned. He was an old man from Thunder Valley, so he naturally knew that Master Li had a reputation for having perfect strategies, and he had witnessed it with his own eyes more than once, so he couldn’t help but think about it: Can’t he justify his explanation?
Ji Qiang was not an old man from Lei Gu. He was recommended by Qu Adu’s family. Although he also knew about Li Yongsheng’s magic, he had never experienced it personally, so he couldn’t help but ask, “Is there anything wrong with this?”
Li Yongsheng smiled slightly. Instead of answering him, he looked at the spy, “How did the Dongda camp explain to the sergeants about teasing monsters?” ”
This” the spy thought about it and then replied, “There is not much in this regard. The news, that is, we explained it in private, saying that it was us who framed Prince Zheng, and that Prince Zheng could not collude with the teachers.”
Speaking of which, the idea of ????the director of Dongdaying cannot be said to be wrong. After killing 600 people and stabilizing the military camp, it is better to keep a low profile and deal with the rumors about the demon demon at this moment, so as not to cause further turmoil in the morale of the army.
When Li Yongsheng heard this, he chuckled, “Didn’t you explain it in public? Haha, that’s how King Zheng chooses officials.”
Ji Qiang blinked, and he vaguely understood what Li Yongsheng meant, but at the same time, he It seemed that what the chief officer did was not a big mistake. “Isn’t it normal that he didn’t explain in public just to stabilize the morale of the military?”
Li Yongsheng smiled slightly, “If he really wanted to stabilize the morale of the military, he shouldn’t have killed those 600 people. A common man with great ambitions but
little talent.” Ji Qiang rolled his eyes, “But he found an excuse, didn’t he? Having a reasonable-sounding excuse can calm the public’s anger.”
/“Haha,” Li Yongsheng chuckled again, “He has Can’t we have any excuses?”
“What excuses can we make?” Ji Qiang looked at him curiously, “We can’t frame him as a cult demon.”
Li Yongsheng glanced sideways at him and asked strangely, “Why? Can’t we say he is a cult demon?”
/“Because” Ji Qiang opened his mouth a few times and hesitated.
Chapter 959: Lure him with benefits and
sacrifices. He believes that the chief officer of Dongdaying should not be a disciple of the Cult, so Li Yongsheng’s statement is tantamount to pouring slander on the other party. It is very satisfying to slap the blame. But others have to believe it, right?
Li Yongsheng was unconvinced now: Why should we believe him when he accuses us, but we can’t accuse him?
Ji Qiang blinked again and then realized, “Are you talking about the collusion between Tonghe and Yongle’s soldiers?” ”
Of course,” Li Yongsheng smiled, “After killing people, and then talking about collusion, it’s just to incriminate others. Ci, he wanted to hide his

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