, such colorless mist and smoke swept through here along with the howling wind, and then dispersed in the sky and the earth.


Looking around, there is a thick curtain of water vapor, mist and rain everywhere.
There is no more suitable scene than this to perform the “Five Decline of Heaven and Man” technique.
And Chu Weiyang used his pupil technique to observe from a distance for a while, gaining insight into the direction of the wind and the changes in the fighting battlefields.
Chu Weiyang then faced the south, his body wrapped in thick fog, holding up the Five Yun Tianluo umbrella, and walked slowly.
/And as Chu Weiyang’s figure walked away in the air, as the colorless mist and smoke dispersed in all directions, and with the wind that naturally turned around, there was again a certain lightness. But the dark red spiritual light surged towards Chu Weiyang’s figure in the thick fog.
That was the passing and coming back of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man technique performed by Chu Weiyang.
This is a phenomenon that has long been recorded in the scriptures. The “Five Decline of Heaven and Man” is not only a supreme killing technique, but also a wonderful internal cultivation method of the poisonous evil.
Moreover, the key to the cultivation method is not to sit in seclusion and meditate, but to cultivate oneself in the midst of killing!
The gist of it lies in the fact that when the supreme killing technique shines through and annihilates the spiritual life, the more elusive five aggregates are brewed after the little bit of life creation and vitality of that person is eroded by the five declining qi of heaven and man. Poisonous atmosphere.
The ordinary natural force of creation between heaven and earth is useless for this method. Only the little bit of life and creation vitality contained in the body of living beings can play the role of inner cultivation method.
With the refining of more poisonous evil spirits like this, Chu Weiyang’s poisonous evil spirits of the five elements will transform and sublimate, and the killing power of Chu Weiyang’s “Five Declines of Heaven and Man” will also increase. Even worse!
So, in this thick fog, the wisps of smoke and dust suddenly left and returned, becoming silent and colorless.
At first, there were only twos and threes of demon cultivators. Suddenly their energy and blood rioted, their energy became chaotic, and they were suddenly caught up in the turbulent undercurrent and disappeared without a trace.
But suddenly the color of bones and blood in a certain area of ??the sea became a little too thick.
From colorless and phaseless, it turned into a visible mist and haze, and then this mist and haze enveloped the water vapor rain curtain. While dispersing, it became tightly locked in it again, becoming increasingly dense.
As a result, it was clear that there were strong winds and showers falling on this sea area, but as time passed, the rain and mist became thicker and thicker, making it almost impossible to breathe and survive.
And similarly, the originally light

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