aozong” field in ancient times. Normally, they can train and refine all kinds of magical swords in this sword pool.


Nowadays, the refining method of sword pool treasures like this has been lost.
Perhaps even the ancient sages of the Holy Sect had not expected this step, and therefore, there had never been such a treasure refining inheritance in the stream of sword energy.
Except for the fragments in front of Chu Weiyang, this weapon refining method has been completely lost in the years.
It is really paradoxical to say that all the Tao and Dharma in the world are becoming more and more perfect and supreme with the passage of time. But at least, with the passage of time, the changes of its Taoism and Dharma are as follows. It is easier to make the past and present stand in different fields, all shining brightly and complementing each other.
/Swordsmanship alone is one of the few traditions that has been in decline for a long time, and one has to go through the vast ancient history to find scriptures and sentences.
“What a sin”
With such emotion, Chu Weiyang turned his hand, and the sword pill shined from the palm of his hand. Suddenly, the mountain and river sword world appeared, and the fragment of the ancient treasure was swallowed into it.
Only this time, as the fragments of the ancient treasure were swallowed up, there was no bright light reflected on the colorful stars that filled the sky.
At this time, there were continuous rumbling sounds and tremors in the mountains, as if an earth dragon was turning over, but every sound among them was actually a change in the inner Tao and Dharma. The mineral veins sealed in the rolling mountains transformed and sublimated after absorbing the fragments of ancient treasures.
After all, it was the relic of the natal magic weapon that was once a great monk in the Golden Core realm, and it was a fragment of the sword pool that once carried the Dao Fruit.
Even if the passage of time and the charm of the Tao no longer exist, the power of creation that nurtures the sword in the sword pool has not faded away, but has been brewing further.
And with the connotation of raising swords in a sword pond, it would be an excessive waste of resources if only the fragments of ancient treasures were smelted into a magical sword.
On the contrary, these continuous mountains originally had the intention of nourishing and refining all kinds of things with the gas of the mineral veins as the source. Now, the ancient treasure fragments are smelted into them piece by piece, which complements each other and makes the best use of everything.
Similarly, suddenly, the continuous mountains “swallowed” the fragments of the ancient treasure into them, and the refining of each other had begun. As the sword intent and the fragments of the ancient treasure were filled in one after another, the mountains and rivers were transformed. Furthermore, the Taoist charm of the treasure sword pill itself has been actually changed.
But now, if one law responds, all laws will respond.
Quietly, on Chu Weiyang’

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