r the thoughts slowed down, what was revealed was the struggle between the golden elixir realm monks who had flashed across the Sumeru Realm.


Among them, the headmaster of the Huanghua Sect has been restraining his strength and suppressing his realm from beginning to end, and there is no basis for it. The elder’s actions later are even more insignificant given his cultivation level.
Only Uncle Shang, only Uncle Shang’s action gave this chief Taoist a great shock!
He could see that the way of practicing Taoism was very strange in itself, as if all Taoisms were closely related to his body shape far beyond the method of opening the sky.
The practice of Tao and Dharma is no longer about going to a deeper level of synaesthesia between heaven and earth, but rather has a rather overbearing meaning of “gathering the power of Tao and Dharma into one body”.
At first, the young Daozi mistakenly thought that this was an eccentric form of the Yuanmen’s strange cultivation secret method.
/However, it was not until Uncle Shang’s energy was condensed that the bright light of Tao and Dharma shone out, until the aura of the twenty-eight-year-old seal pattern shone through the bright light, and then the aura led to the brilliance, and finally in a flash of light The illumination condenses into a unified light of Taoism.
Everything seemed to be going around in circles. At the moment when the seal pattern of the twenty-eight constellations was illuminated by the celestial light, the chief Taoist disciple of Cexing Mountain suddenly understood that if he could come into contact with the wonderful method of this Tao, if he could practice such a method, Mastered by the principles and principles, and then melted into one with the Dharma of Cexing Mountain that established itself in formation.
Just thinking of these, for Daozi, a great sense of mission arises spontaneously.
Therefore, when Daozi’s thoughts were immersed in it for a long time, he didn’t know what the young scholar thought of the “Invincible Road”, but Chief Daozi was already ready to take action with all his strength!
In silence, the two looked at each other.
The next moment, Cexingshan Daozi slowly took a step back.
“We are a guest from afar.”
When he heard this, the young scholar standing on the top of the mountain started to laugh. Even his gentle smile itself was full of bookishness.
“The guest does as the host does.”
So, the moment the words fell, Ce Xingshan Daozi nodded gently.
“That’s fine!”
The aftertaste of these words was still recalled in the flash of mid-air. In almost an instant, the sunlight dispersed and spread, and the cold wind surged and rolled away towards the place where the young Daozi stood in the sky, and the same, At this moment, the rolling clouds enveloped the extremely vast morning light.
As the spiritual light circulates, one after another the extremely numerous and vast celestial seal patterns are all condensed. In the blink of an eye, the supreme and majestic meaning rises from it into the sky!
The morning light is wrapped in th

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