tion is confused with reincarnation, it also means that there will be more radiance and blessings of Taoism, and more souls. The transpiration of dust also quietly jumped from the rotation of yin and yang into the rotation of virtuality and reality.


This is the ruthless Dao, this is Chu Weiyang using the three realms of heaven and earth as a medicinal field, brewing the supreme elixir called the Yujing Dharma Assembly and the Wanxiang Heavenly Man.
It was a Taoist sitting on a long wall hanging over the world, quietly watching the evolution of the three realms of the Taoist temple and feeling connected to the internal and external chaos of the world.
/Sit quietly and watch the changes.
Huang Hua says that every year is good. Also take advantage of the autumn light to grow old. The green hair on the temples does not scare the autumn, but if you are in front of Dou Zun, the person is so beautiful that you can laugh.
How much do you know about flat peaches? Lives in Sanshan Island. When will I cross Gui Luan, dust will fly across the sea, and the fate of this world will begin.
/The cycle of death and rebirth, year after year.
Sitting there in the dim and troubled world, Chu Weiyang could really see the changes in the years and years, which were all extremely long, whether it was yin and yang, virtuality or reality, and the concept of life and death, which was swirling around. The boundless and vast soul ashes are surging like smoke and dust on the way to the trapped dragon’s ascension to heaven.
Everything is a scene where Tao and Dharma have been rotated and interpreted to the extreme, and then completely integrated into the evolution of nature in the wash of time.
That kind of harmony between Taoism and nature is Chu Weiyang’s Taoism, and it is also the scenery he sees at this moment.
And it was during this long-term observation that Chu Weiyang truly saw the establishment of the concept of reincarnation and the real changes to the three realms of the Taoist field, or to be more precise, to the Lingfu Cave Heaven.
That is where all living things in the Three Realms truly shine and survive.
And with the constant rotation of yin and yang and virtuality and reality, in the process of reincarnation, one after another truly arrogant and evil creatures are drawn, and the Taoism and talents accumulated and accumulated during their lifetimes may be stripped away and turned into materials. With firewood.
But at the level of the soul and true spirit, the true characteristics of some kind of genius and monster, the physical and spiritual essence that is completely useless to the Yujing Mountain Dharma Assembly outside of the true Taoism and foundation, it is precisely in this process that Through the training of thousands of dragons and elephants, it was deeply melted into the essence of the immortal true spirit.
Therefore, the relationship between heaven and earth is related to the selection of the life span of the group of living beings and the real process of birth and death, as well as the process

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