inked the energy. Even in the process, Chu Weiyang knocked down several seals one after another.


That is the seal pattern recorded in the “Taiyin Tongyouxuan Zhenbaojian”.
In an instant, from the tadpole article, from the aura of the soul, along with the memory, what came to Zhong Chaoyuan’s soul was a forbidden chain intertwined with seal patterns.
The chain penetrated from the true spirit. It was rare that Zhong Chaoyuan’s soul and true spirit never struggled or counterattacked.
The whistling and whimpering wind now sounded like a deep breathing coming from the treasure mirror.
One way, two ways, three ways
The memories that were once split by Chu Weiyang just flowed back. Only occasionally, Chu Weiyang’s smooth movements would pause, and then some memory fragments related to all the character development and changes of Zhong Chaoyuan were all lost to Chu Weiyang. Yang carefully selects and eliminates them.
Then, Chu Weiyang replaced the memory fragments that he had “weaved”, or absorbed a demonic beast’s aura from the ghost talisman, shredded the memory, and then filled it in the tadpole text, becoming Zhong Chaoyuan. A memory gap for a period of time.
Gradually, Zhong Chaoyuan’s soul seemed to be filled with Chu Weiyang’s memory. During the process of refining into the precious mirror, the pain seemed to be really healed. He was no longer so crazy, and gradually had new thoughts and ideas. Thoughts arise from his true spirit.
At the same time, the last fragment of memory in Chu Weiyang’s pill cauldron was practiced backwards.
Immediately afterwards, a vague and familiar soul sound came from the treasure mirror, and echoed in Chu Weiyang’s mind again.
“In the Xuan Ming Dan Cauldron, in the Five Qi Chakras.”
/“Control the evil spirits to perform the four seasons, control water and fire to subdue the dragon and tiger.”
“In ancient times, the Holy Religion of the Yuan Sect had a single root, but now it has been mixed with various sects through the ages.”
“Jie Yun Dharma Sword Yuan Fei Lingyun Dao Guoxujun.”
Gradually, as the soul sound echoed over and over again, the unique melody vibrated in the true spirit of Zhong Chaoyuan’s soul. Then, even the most subtle dissonance was melted into a bit of true spirit. , it seems as if it is completely natural.
A long time, a long time.
When a spiritual light passed through the treasure mirror.
Suddenly, a strange voice sounded.
“You, me, you are Chu”
Before he could finish his words, Chu Weiyang transmitted a very sad voice to the Xuanzhen Treasure Mirror through the forbidden chain of the treasure.
“Zhong Chaoyuan! What’s going on! Why did you lose the outer sea city? It’s not because of the power of cause and effect. I accidentally gathered your remnant soul. Maybe even your true spirit is better. Collapsed in madness! Oh my god! How could there be so much joy and sorrow in one day! As for today, Panwang Yuanzong is the only one left to survive! Chaoyuan, the elders and the others all died in the Demon Suppressing Cave!”
When the words fell, in the X

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