old light that complements the sun!


“There are so many places in my body that I have never been to before!”
Xu Ying’s spiritual consciousness passed between the sun and the moon, followed the air currents to rise into the sky, and arrived at a vast and unpredictable land in the Xiyi Domain!
A chaotic area in the brain.
His consciousness floated in front of the chaotic energy in his mind, and he saw that in the center of the chaotic energy was a ball of chaos, like an oversized and round egg, floating in the center of the chaotic energy.
The mysterious energy in the mud pool penetrates into this chaotic egg and disappears without a trace. Then his physical activity is stimulated to heal physical injuries!
“In this chaotic round egg is the secret treasure of the six secrets of the human body!”
Xu Ying calmed down, and the secret of Niwan was right in front of him. He found this secret without relying on other Da Nuo’s dragon search to locate it!
“But finding it is one thing, opening it is another!”
Xu Ying had just thought of this when suddenly the chaotic area in his mind shook slightly and rippled.
He looked towards where the ripples came from and was stunned.
I saw a big bell breaking in from nowhere, swaying like it was drunk, flying over the air of chaos, and then stopped next to the round egg of chaos.
The big bell squeezed hard, trying to push the chaotic round egg aside, but when it couldn’t be pushed, it had to settle down.
There is also a deep slap mark on the wall of the big clock. It is the big bell behind Xu Ying’s butt!
Only then did the big bell notice that Xu Ying’s consciousness was floating not far away. The big bell looked at Xu Ying’s consciousness, and there was silence for a moment.
The big bell flew up silently and flew out of this brain area.
Xu Ying waited quietly for a moment, and the big clock slowly flew back. He found that Xu Ying’s consciousness was still there, and then he was sure that he had read it correctly.
“Young man, are you here?” The big bell made a sound like a big bell.
/Xu Ying’s consciousness jumped: “What do you mean I’m here? Is this my brain? How did you get in?”
“It came in from the Jade Pillow point on the back of your head.”
Dazhong said honestly, “Your qi and blood cultivation has improved, and my injury has also taken the opportunity to get better. Seeing that you didn’t take me with you, I came in first to sit down.”
Since Xu Ying entered the Qinyan Cave, his injuries have healed, and all the hidden diseases in his body have been cured. His energy and blood are stronger than before. Da Zhong took the opportunity to absorb more of Xu Ying’s energy and blood and regain his ability to move in advance.
It planned to enter Xu Ying’s mind to steal more energy and blood to recuperate, but unexpectedly encountered the real owner, which made it somewhat embarrassing.
Xu Ying did not pursue the matter and asked, “Why are you near my Niwan secret cache?”
“Is this the secret treasure of Niwan?” Da Zhong was very surprised. He flew around the Chaos Oval a f

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