e saw countless paper money ashes in this sun, rolling in the flames, some of them extremely quiet, covering the flames, motionless, suppressing the sun’s divine fire as if it was about to be extinguished. .


Xu Ying flew along the chain and went deep into the Doomsday Sun. The deeper he went, the more ashes he saw and the darker the red light became.
/He flew for a long time, only to feel that the deeper he went, the more abnormal the heaven and earth filled here became, and it could already affect him.
Xu Ying suddenly stopped and raised his palm, only to see a piece of skin on the back of his hand floating gently, turning into ashes of paper money.
/“The weird avenue here has affected my physical body. If I go forward, my body will turn into paper money faster and faster.”
Xu Ying stopped moving forward, and his spiritual consciousness surged and turned into a voice that was transmitted to the depths of the Doomsday Sun: “Mr. Dongyue, I am going to Kunlun. Fortunately, I have fulfilled my destiny and brought Yaochi Immortal Water.”
A grand palace emerged from the depths of the doomsday sun, and a golden avenue paved straight in front of Xu Ying.
A figure stood in front of the palace, seeing the gift from a distance, and said: “Fellow Taoist Xu is a believer, and I have never broken my promise. I have already taught the Great Sun Sutra to Jin Buyi. He is practicing in the Taiyang Palace in Yuanshou World. Speaking of this teaching, Although it is not as dangerous and difficult as fellow Taoist going to Kunlun, it still made me suffer a lot. Please”
Xu Ying walked forward along the golden avenue, wondering in his heart: “Master Jin is not stupid, why is it difficult to teach him the Great Sun Sutra? This Mr. Dongyue likes to exaggerate the difficulties.”
He didn’t know how much suffering Mr. Dongyue suffered.
Dongyue turned into a jackdaw and flew over, but was chopped down by the wild bird as an intruder. After being chopped down several times, Dongyue had to go in person to suppress the wild bird and make it docile.
But Jin Buyi, who taught Alzheimer’s disease how to practice the Great Sun Sutra, collapsed again. Jin Buyi learned the next sentence and forgot the previous sentence, and could not teach it at all.
Dongyue couldn’t bear it, so he gave up his job and let Jin Buyi’s late mother teach him. Only then did his Taoist heart not collapse.
Xu Ying came closer and vaguely saw an unparalleled giant behind this grand palace, sitting in the center of the Doomsday Sun.
The unparalleled giant shook slightly, and saw countless jackdaws flying up from his body, circling in a circle and then falling back down.
“That’s my original soul.”
Mr. Dongyue said, “I was seriously injured and had to hide here to recover, so the Heaven and Earth Avenue here is somewhat abnormal. My fellow Taoists have not recovered yet and will be affected by the Heaven and Earth Avenue here. It is my negligence.”
His whole body had no flesh and blood, and seemed to be made of ashes. When he moved his hands and feet, pieces of paper

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