He said that only by ascending to immortality can he completely open up the other shore. Unfortunately, he failed to overcome the tribulation and was unable to continue to open up the other shore. “


Xu Ying was startled and lost his voice: “You failed to escape the tribulation. Are you still alive?”
Yuan Weiyang nodded lightly and said: “He overcame the tribulation on the other side of the martial arts, but still failed, but he did not die. He entered the void from where the Yellow Emperor ascended, trying to open up the other side of the martial arts. I am here to go to the place where the Yellow Emperor ascended The palace left behind was there to sense the other side of martial arts and point him to the way back.”
Xu Ying calmed down. This martial arts emperor survived the tribulation and needed Yuan Weiyang to guide him before he could come back. His injuries were likely to be extremely serious.
/Yuan Weiyang walked towards the top of the mountain and said: “Ahead is the place where the Yellow Emperor ascended. When I came here, I thought of Xujiaping, so I dug down with Uncle Xiao, and sure enough we found the portal.”
Suddenly, a burst of noise came from the bottom of the mountain, and someone shouted: “Flying immortals! They are flying immortals!”
Xu Ying looked up and saw fifty-four rising rays of light hanging from the sky. At the end of the rays of light, the fairy world was slowly closing. Xu Fu and the other fifty-four people had disappeared into the fairy world.
Yuan Weiyang raised his head and said: “There is something wrong with this ascension. I noticed something was wrong just now. Aying, do you still remember the heaven-human induction we tried at the Lishan Tomb?”
Xu Ying’s heart moved slightly: “You mean?”
“The breath is very similar.” Yuan Weiyang said.
Zulong, who was measuring Kunlun, also stopped at this time, looked up, and said in surprise: “This breath”
/The fairy world completely disappeared in the sky, and the fifty-four rising rays of light also became turbulent. Suddenly, the sky rumbled and cracked, with a roar, and with the shaking of the Kunlun Mountains, the sky was torn open, revealing a floating abyss. , extremely profound!
The fifty-four immortals who had just ascended were floating quietly in the abyss.
The immortal world that everyone saw just now does not exist at all. Behind the fifty-four immortals is a huge eye, a big eye that fills the abyss.
On Kunlun Mountain, the people who were cheering just now were stunned.
I saw the strange eyes of the six Nuo Ancestors flying, as if they had not seen this scene, they walked towards the fifty-four immortals, Nuo Ancestor Nuo Yang said with a smile: “A lot of people took the bait this time, they are all big Fish, if we collect the elixir from them, we can ascend, right?”
Their voices came clearly from the abyss and resounded throughout the mountain.
Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang looked up. Nuo Yang Nuo Lu and the other six Nuo ancestors had no idea that they had appeared above the Kunlun Mountains, nor did they know that t

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