

Obviously, this is not Xujiaping.
“Is there anyone in Kunlun Ruins who has settled here? Maybe people in the town will know about Xujiaping!”
He gained hope and ordered, “Master Qi, you look rather sinister. Don’t scare the people in the town.”
/An Qi was quite aggrieved. Although he was a big snake, his appearance was definitely not related to evil. On the contrary, he has two black and white horns, with clouds floating between them, and his body has a Taoist image, which gives people a sense of majesty and closeness.
/Xu Ying said to the big bell: “Master Zhong, you have blood and various injuries on your body. It’s better to hide it, lest we look like evil people.”
Da Zhong was also quite aggrieved and thought to himself: “Isn’t the blood on my body just because you wanted me to kill someone? Now you dislike me for being so vicious!”
“Master Cao, don’t show your head. You grow on the grave. Be careful of bringing bad luck to other people’s homes.” Xu Ying said.
Purple Immortal Grass was furious and was about to fight with him.
Da Zhong quickly stopped and advised: “Master Cao, don’t argue with him. He is timid in his hometown and has a holy place in his heart. He is afraid that he is not pure enough and will pollute his homeland. Let’s just follow his wishes.”
An Qi shrank in size, and the big bell and purple fairy grass hid in his Xiyi territory.
When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn’t find fault with them. He felt that he was too vicious and worried about disturbing the people here. He then stopped and asked An Qi to hold out a bright mirror. He looked at the mirror for a while and tried to practice smiling.
After a while, Xu Ying walked into this mountain town with a stiff smile.
There is an archway at the entrance of the town with the words “Xiadu” engraved on it.
There were not many people in the town, both young and old. People’s clothes were very simple and their lives were very peaceful. When they saw Xu Ying, they all looked over and smiled.
Their faces were illuminated by the scorching sunlight, showing a slightly dark bronze color with a dark red blush, and the smiles on their faces looked very simple.
The buildings here are very old and have experienced weather for an unknown amount of time. There are also some weird sculptures in the town, which should be the gods they worship.
The god has a tiger head and a human face, with nine tails, crouching in the town’s temple. Behind the temple are the ridges of nine mountains.
When Xu Ying saw this scene, his heart was slightly shaken, and he knew the origin of this god.
This god is actually the top of the mountain at the foot of the nine mountains and the town. Looking from a distance, the top of the mountain and the nine mountains behind it are the image of a tiger with its head and nine tails.
People here worship the gods according to the trends of the mountains and rivers. This custom of worshiping the gods is extremely ancient, much older than worshiping the Yin God. It is a worship custom from the primitive period!
However, what surprise

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