g. He was wrapped around his body like an ancient divine dragon. His bones were broken and his body was shattered. His soul was also locked in it and he was strangled on the spot!


Among the three saints, Wang Pingnan was taken into the Circle of Heaven and Earth and refined into ashes. The last saint, Li Ruyan, was hit in the head by a gold brick. His head exploded and his body fell into the sea of ??stars.
The Three Saints died instantly!
Xu Ying met the other strong men who came to kill him. He had a ghostly figure, his spear came out like a dragon, the universe circle was flying, Hun Tian Ling shuttled back and forth, and the golden bricks appeared and disappeared. Wherever he passed, it was almost impossible to find a general who could last for one round!
Behind him, blood mist steamed, gradually forming a shadow that enveloped the sea of ??chaotic stars!
That is the shadow of the Three Tan Haihui Great God, with three heads and eight arms, holding various immortal weapons, like gods and demons, suppressing the chaotic sea of ??stars!
As more and more masters died in Xu Ying’s hands, the shadow became clearer and turned into a phantom.
The people who entered the Chaos Star Sea were killed in fear. Many masters from the Great World of Taishi sacrificed their own immortal weapons and hid behind a huge land. Everyone was terrified!
In the starry sky around them, screams came from time to time. Some people were pierced by the fire dragon-like spear, some were wrapped up in red silk and strangled, some were smashed until their heads disappeared, and some were smashed until only their heads were left!
Everyone stared wide-eyed, held their breath, and did not dare to make any noise.
At this moment, a gold brick suddenly flew out, penetrated the land, and exploded the head of the leader of the Zifu Divine Sect inside!
“Escape quickly”
I don’t know who shouted, and everyone immediately ran away. They each sacrificed their immortal weapons to protect themselves, turning into streams of light and fleeing in all directions.
/They looked back in a hurry and saw Xu Ying fighting against eighteen ancestral masters alone. As soon as his body swayed, they saw three souls flying out of their heads. They also had three heads and eight arms, killing enemies in all directions!
Those ancestral masters were killed in a few breaths, and the broken stars in the surrounding starry sky were also swept away by the power of the terrifying fairy weapon, and the stars were pushed far away.
Everyone fled, desperately trying to escape, only hating why they came to this demonic sea.
The stars were in chaos, and screams were heard from time to time. Gradually, the screams became sparse, and after a long time, the screams stopped.
In the end, only Xu Ying was left standing in the starry sky.
His three heads and eight arms gradually dispersed, and his soul returned to normal and returned to his true form.
Xu Ying untied Huntian Ling, let go of the fire-tip spear, stepped off the Hot Wheels, and looked back at the huge shadow behind

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