. Fa Huh?”


The energy and blood in Xu Ying’s body roared and surged. Under the impact, the black iron door shook and shook, and the two doors creaked and separated on both sides!
He didn’t understand the universe at all. He left Kan Xuangen and directly used violence to force the Weulu entrance!
This entrance hall showed signs of being breached.
The big clock was sluggish, and only bursts of thunder could be heard coming from Xu Ying’s body, and balls of light about an inch long bloomed from his body.
You can even see a big dragon emitting light inside his body, like a dragon sucking water, attacking from top to bottom towards the tail at the bottom of the spine, trying to conquer the entrance!
That entrance is located at the tail vertebrae of the human body, and is called Tail Lu!
Once this gate is opened, it connects life and death, dawns yin and yang, opens the Milky Way, receives the jade dew from heaven, and opens up the Tianshan Mountains in the body!
One layer of Tianshan Mountain and one layer of heaven. From then on, there is a path for cultivation!
Da Zhong was startled and thought to himself: “If I hadn’t stolen 50% of his Qi and blood to heal his wounds, he would have burst open the entrance this time! This is my fault and I must make up for it.”
/It also automatically activates its breathing method. The bell inhales and exhales, its body becomes larger and smaller, and half an acre of light in the sky suddenly turns into a square acre!
Xu Ying’s energy and blood suddenly surged, and with a roar, the pure Yang energy finally broke open the black iron entrance!
The surging river water is rolling eastward!
In the Realm of Xiyi, the water of the Tianhe River comes from the Nine Heavens, rushes out of the entrance, and enters the Realm of Xiyi in a mighty way. It flows through the continent below, passes through mountains and rivers, forms waterfalls in the highlands, and forms lakes in the plains. , making the Xiyi Domain suddenly become extremely vivid and colorful!
Xu Ying felt that his internal organs were nourished by the Tianhe, and his vitality was growing. The previous limits of his vitality cultivation were gone!
His cultivation is improving rapidly, and his energy and blood are far richer and purer than before!
With the support of this increasingly stronger Qi and blood, the sword Qi in his Xiyi Domain that was like a flying rainbow in the sky became clearer and clearer.
Xu Ying stabilized his retreat and looked up at Zhou Hang, whose wounds were healing. He was as eager to try as he was looking at a slaughtered pig and dog: “Master Zhong, let me fight him in full strength.”
Da Zhong hesitated and said, “Be careful.”
Suddenly a voice came from afar: “Yihang, why are you in such a mess?”
There were originally a lot of people watching the battle. After hearing this, they all looked at Xu Ying with strange eyes.
When Zhou Yihang saw the governor Zhou Heng, he felt awe-inspiring, fearing that he would stop him from killing Xu Ying to avenge Zhou Yang. He immediately roared angrily, a

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