years ago?”


Mr. Tamagawa did not speak.
Xu Ying said with a smile: “Forty thousand years ago, the Demon Realm was still a piece of loose sand, and it is still a piece of loose sand today. It was impossible to have the strength to invade the great world of Taishi. At that time, the Little Heavenly Lord of the Demon Realm was still a yellow-haired kid, and he did not have the courage to invade. Taishi World. I heard that during the demonic invasion, the avenue of alien world actually started from Mount Sumeru and spread to the entire Taishi World.”
Mr. Tamagawa smiled and said: “What the Demon Lord wants to say is that someone deliberately created an invasion of the Demon Realm to give God King Xuankong an opportunity to perform meritorious deeds? Your idea is too bold. It would release the alien avenues of heaven and earth in Mount Sumeru and pollute Taishi.” The world has been devastated and hundreds of millions of people have been killed or injured. Who dares to do this?”
Xu Ying’s eyes flashed and he said: “What if he does this in order to occupy Mount Xumi? What if this person has the support of a giant from the immortal world?”
Mr. Yuchuan took a deep look at him and said, “You mean the immortal urn that flew out of the Huntian Cauldron, right?”
Xu Ying smiled and said, “I didn’t say that.”
Xu Ying said: “After that, it will be logical for Him to take up residence in Mount Sumeru.”
/Young Master Yuchuan said: “It’s a pity that although the Bai family has such a guess, they can’t provide any evidence.”
Xu Yingdao: “As long as we find the place where he released the evil ways of the ancient times, we can find evidence. I think this place must be related to the Great Leiyin Temple!”
Young Master Yuchuan thought for a moment and praised again: “Chutian deserves to be the capital of Chutian! After Xuankong occupied Mount Sumeru, he immediately moved the Great Leiyin Temple away from the top of the mountain. If what happened back then was his doing, then this location must be the same as the capital of Chutian. It’s related to Da Leiyin Temple!”
Xu Ying smiled and said: “If Mr. Yuchuan is interested, we can explore the former site of the Great Leiyin Temple.”
“Not interested!” Mr. Tamagawa flatly refused.
Xu Ying was slightly startled, not understanding what he meant.
Mr. Tamagawa said calmly: “Brother Chu may have misunderstood, thinking that our Jiutian Dao Sect has enmity with Mount Sumeru, and that the emperor has a grudge against the giant behind the God King. In fact, it is not the case. The emperor and that existence are in a competitive relationship, but also in cooperation. Relationships should be fought but not broken, and any struggle in the lower world is just a game in their eyes.”
Xu Ying understood what he meant and said: “It’s just a game. The victory or defeat in the game will not affect the relationship between them.”
Mr. Tamagawa smiled and said, “This is the spirit of a great man.”
/Xu Ying sighed. He originally thought that Bai Yuchuan would be a good comrade, but now it seems tha

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