that at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, this pair of horns and bones were here. Tianzun once went to explore the origin of the bones, but could not find the source.”


Xu Ying stayed for a few days and asked the Ten Halls of Yama for advice on Taoism and magical powers. They told him everything they knew. Xu Ying had a deeper understanding of the soul and spirit, and a deeper understanding of Taoism.
King Qin Guang smiled and said: “Xu Xiaoyou, if you want to cultivate into the Yuan Shen, you should go to the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao to see the Ancestral God. After meeting the Ancestral God of Heavenly Dao, you can cultivate into the Yuan Shen and get all the wonders of the Yuan Shen. As for our Ten Palaces of Yama, here the Dao is not peak.”
/Xu Ying thanked them, bid them farewell and left.
Beidi also restrained the five princes and left the ancient land of Minghai with Xu Ying.
Xu Ying looked back and saw that the waves in the ancient sea of ????underworld were gradually rising. The Great Way of Heaven and Earth was revived, allowing the divine laws to operate here again. Many dead souls from the ancestral court were restricted by the laws of heaven and earth and walked in along the long pair of horns. This sea of ??hell.
Yama of the Tenth Hall suddenly became busy.
Xu Ying withdrew his gaze, walked out of the portal, and entered the new land of the underworld.
Beidi put away the clear oil lamp and said to him: “The Su Xian King of Wanshen Leisi is dead, and Wanshen Leisi has basically been defeated. I am afraid that the immortal world will counterattack fiercely. Fellow Taoist Xu, just say goodbye!”
Lord Shengqi Mansion smiled and said: “Xu, you should run away as soon as possible!”
Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: “How long can you hide?”
“Where there is life, there is hope!”
The five princes waved to him and followed Beidi away. From a distance, they could only hear their voices: “Brother, I told you back then that the establishment of the world of heaven in the immortal world means that they will absolutely tolerate it. We need you to run away as soon as possible. You don’t want to run away. Now in order to save you, I lost two legs, so you can give up your seat as Beidi.”
“Why did I give you the position of Bei Emperor? Just because you are missing two legs? My arm was cut off, so am I not worthy of being Bei Emperor?”
“My head was chopped off. Did I say anything?”
“My pen is broken, I think of it as Beidi!”
“Lao Liu, your pen was broken. Wasn’t it repaired by Yama of the Tenth Palace?”
“Didn’t you get your head back?”
“Shut up, everyone! Can we have a good relationship?”
Xu Ying watched them go away and praised: “They have such a good relationship. They are brothers and sisters, respectful to each other, which makes others envious. It’s time for me to look for Master Jin and Master Zhong. After finding them, I will prepare to enter Wei Ruins!”
He has now opened four major caves, and has the Five Mountains Immortal Mountain, the Huntian Cauldron, the Twelve-layer Towe

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