im himself emperor, right?”


He knows the attraction of the Immortal Emperor’s throne better than anyone else!
In the Supreme Cave Abyss, Xu Ying found Xu Jing who was practicing diligently and advised him: “Dad, just give up the idea of ??ascending the throne and becoming emperor. Your contribution is great enough, you might as well become the next Immortal Emperor.”
Xu Jing smiled and said: “I don’t care about any emperor’s position. It’s just an emperor’s position. There are constraints everywhere. Only people as eager for power as Mingzun would care about it.”
Xu Ying was puzzled and asked: “Then why do you stay in the Supreme Cave Abyss?”
Xu Jing said: “I want to know what method the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors used to restrain Ming Zun. I practiced in the cave for two months and finally mastered part of the avenue of this cave. I searched along the induction and finally found it. The Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors are the key to restraining Ming Zun. Ying’er, you come with me.”
Xu Ying followed him, and the father and son passed through the fairy mountains and the Tao realms.
This supreme cave is truly vast and profound, and the avenue here actually forms a natural Tao realm, far-reaching, filled with flowers, plants, trees, birds, animals, insects, and fish that are the manifestation of the avenue.
If you can enter it and understand its way, you will get twice the result with half the effort!
“No wonder Emperor Ai was able to cultivate a wonderful state with this cave and abyss, forcing Emperor Haohong to surrender to him.” Xu Ying praised.
Just relying on the layout of the Tao Realm of the Supreme Cave Abyss, one can build various Taoist temples and master different avenues.
The world in front of me is picturesque, but there is a deep crack in the deepest part of the cave.
The Supreme Cave Abyss is an incomplete Cave Abyss!
When Xu Ying saw this crack, he immediately understood that back then, all parties compromised and allowed Ming Zun to become the Immortal Emperor. At that time, Ming Zun was not yet a Supreme Realm existence and needed an Emperor-level cave to cultivate to this point.
/As the price for ascending to the throne of God, Ming Zun must use this incomplete Cang Emperor Cave Abyss to practice and prove the Supreme Dao in order to gain their trust!
Xu Ying looked at the crack in the cave abyss and was shocked. Mingzun used the incomplete cave abyss to practice, and the avenue was incomplete, which was extremely fatal!
Ming Zun is equivalent to putting his life in the hands of these beings to gain their trust!
“This is the Supreme. The reason why I have to cut my leeks is that he was not high in cultivation and his status was not high in the past. If he wants to go further, he has to give his life to the control of others to have a chance to climb up.”
Xu Ying murmured, “Now that his cultivation level and status are high, he wants to take his life back and control it himself.”
“Aying, this is why I stay here.”
Xu Jing said, “If we can take this opportunity to realize the flaws

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