achievement, his attainments in the way of creation have surpassed Xuandu Yujingshan.


However, he originally taught Master Ning Qing the Art of Returning Nature to Dao. Ning Qing compared the two versions and found that there were several subtle differences between the Art of Returning Nature and Returning Dao taught by him in the past and the Art of Returning Nature to Dao taught today. .
Young Master Ning Qing picked out these subtle differences and asked the Supreme Creation, “Teacher, there are several loopholes in your previous creation-attribution-to-dao-gong. Could it be that you have a backdoor to harvest me?”
The Supreme Creation’s face turned red: “What’s the matter? It was just an oversight in the past.”
Ning Qing was suspicious and suddenly felt sad and burst into tears.
The Supreme Creation was in a panic, trying to persuade him but it was not how to comfort him. He smiled and said: “You are so good, why are you crying again? But you blame me for the flaws in the technique I taught you in the past?”
Ning Qing wiped away her tears and said: “If you teach me the flawed technique, I know you can still survive, but if you teach me the real technique, I know that you are in danger. Although you are a bastard, after all, You are my mentor, how can I not feel sad knowing that you are about to die?”
The Supreme Creation was startled, and laughed and scolded: “Nonsense. I only want to do big things so that I won’t die. You are a little leek that will grow first. When I come back after completing that big thing, I will harvest you!”
After he preached, he was satisfied and originally planned to return to the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, but Ning Qing’s burst of tears touched his heart. So he left Zhenwu Temple and unknowingly came to Wangxiangtai in the underworld and entered Yujing Mountain in Xuandu.
On Yujing Mountain, the eight scenes of Xuandu are dazzling. The heaven and earth spirit of Xuhuang Daojun is sitting in the Taoist temple, with his eyes looking at his nose, and his nose looking at his heart.
The incarnation of the Supreme Creation in the mirror came to Lord Dao, bowed his head and said, “Master, this disciple has come to confess his sins.”
Lord Xu Huang Dao didn’t open his eyes to look at him for a long time.
At that time, due to the drastic changes in the world, Taoist weeping was raging. He felt that the people’s livelihood was difficult, and his sect sat back and watched the catastrophe without caring about all living beings, so he angrily fought out of Yujing Mountain, Xuandu, and rebelled.
After Qingxuan attained enlightenment, the Supreme Creation also realized his own supreme path and refined the ten scenes based on the eight scenes of Xuandu. However, he lacked a supreme cave and was unable to attain the supreme enlightenment.
/So, he went back to Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, beheaded those fellow disciples who resisted him, and even killed the Heaven and Earth Soul of Lord Xuhuang Dao, and finally captured the Creation Cave Abyss.
After he became famous, he always felt

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