ossing, and thousands of bright cold stars howled and fell.


She Yan looked up at the sky, with surprise hidden in her eyes. She was arrogant and refused to admit defeat. She clenched her fists tightly, preparing to go back and practice in seclusion. She would never leave the seclusion until she reached the state of transformation.
“Break it for me!”
Facing the endless cold stars, Chao Lisu shouted and raised his arms. His big hand that covered the sky raised up again, stretched across the air and wrapped the countless cold stars with one palm.
The sound of the sword is light, and the strong wind scatters in all directions.
Chao Lisu’s expression changed drastically. The moment his sword came into contact, a huge force like a landslide and tsunami suddenly erupted. He could not stop it or stop it. The terrifying power was more than a hundred times more ferocious than before.
The endless sword energy fell overwhelmingly, piercing the big hand that covered the sky, carrying endless despair, instantly breaking through Chao Lisu’s body-protecting energy, and drowning him and the saint and protector who escaped far away.
/boom! Rumble
Bottomless holes were punched out of the dry earth by the scattered sword energy, touching the Snake Bone Mountain. The blood soul fruits exploded scarlet red, making a clear and sweet sound.
[You killed Mu Yangqing and gained 800,000 experience]
[You killed Hei Yuyi and gained 700,000 experience]
Large amounts of dust rose high, and Lu Bei’s eyes turned into golden eagle eyes, seeing through numerous obstacles the scene behind the dust curtain.
She Yan shuddered and suddenly realized something was wrong. She had just wanted to ask, what was the matter with Lu Bei’s suddenly taller frame, and what was the matter with the aura all over his body that she strongly repulsed?
“The sword power is so good that it can actually hurt the demigod’s body given by the snake god. This leader has underestimated you.”
The hurricane swept away the dust, and Chao Lisu stood in the air with a frosty face. His black robe was dripping with blood. After tearing it to pieces with his hand, his body was covered with sword energy and his body was covered with many wounds and bones.
Why does it hurt so much?
Lu Bei’s heart sank, and he did not expect to kill Chao Lisu with a full blow, but he still had the idea of ??dying from serious injuries, but it could not be realized, which only meant that the opponent’s body had another mystery.
Demigod’s body, this title is not mentioned in the player’s guide
Fortunately, the problem is not big. If you take off your clothes with your own hands, you will be dead!
“A frog in a well, you have no idea how big the outside world is, or rather”
Seeing this, Lu Bei rushed forward with a knife and said sternly: “Don’t show off in front of me. It’s obvious that the outside world is too dangerous. That’s why you stay in this secret realm and don’t dare to step out.”
“It’s ridiculous. Do you know how great the snake god is?”
Throwing the Blood Soul Fruit toward

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